The Occult 16. See if you can get your human interested in the - TopicsExpress


The Occult 16. See if you can get your human interested in the occult. We have cleverly repackaged a lot of this under the wonderful term of new age, the dawning of the age of aquarius. A lot of humans really love it when we rename our old tactics with wonderful sounding euphemisms. Just about every newspaper today carries the horrorscopes, I mean, horoscopes. Many people get hooked on these predictions, in spite of HIS admonition in Deuteronomy 18:10 to avoid them at all costs. HE wants them to trust in HIM completely, and HE really doesnt like it when HIS created ones seek arcane knowledge about the future from fortune tellers. We have even made a game of this with the wonderful Ouija board, where unsuspecting idiots contact us through the planchette and the board. They will try to pass it off as static electricity, or someone else pushing on the planchette, but it is really us. We disguise ourselves as dead humans or friendly angels, but that is only to hook them like a fish. And once we get them hooked, we stay with them for a long time, and our power over their minds and their wills becomes very strong. Soon, they will become grand habitual sinners, and as a bonus, they will even think that it is all right and good. Its all part of the Wicked Deception Paul talks about in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12, you know. A lot of allegedly smart people laugh at and scoff at these occultic practices, saying that they are harmless and not real. Scorn and derision of people who do believe that these things are real and very harmful are also part of our deceptive practices. Nobody likes to be laughed at as being somehow medieval in their thinking. However, most people will never even ask the question about why HIS book would warn against practices that are not even real !
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 01:43:52 +0000

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