The Organizations That Run Your Government The Organizations That - TopicsExpress


The Organizations That Run Your Government The Organizations That Run Your Government If you’ve ever wondered why no major positive changes have occurred in decades & why things never seem to change no matter who you vote for, there’s a reason. It’s because there has been only one party—a cleverly disguised monarchy. Since the early 1930s “they” have backed all political parties by purchasing your potential presidents. They select the candidates that we think we elect, often years before. Most of us have heard of the “they” who seem to run things, but few of us know who “they” are. So who are “they?” Multi-national corporations & people of tremendous wealth have formed groups to further their political objectives. These groups have been referred to as, Think Tanks. They include: the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, & the Trilateral Commission. Usually less than one in a thousand has ever heard of these Think Tanks. This is not a coincidence. They prefer to remain unknown so the public believes they still live in a democracy/republic. These groups consist of the same wealthy families that have created wars & financed both sides for profit & control. They’ve caused recessions & depressions to eliminate competition & consolidate their control. They’ve financed Nazis & Communists, & made at least one overt attempt to overthrow the U.S. Government by force in 1934. You haven’t learned about this in school because they control the school system via grants from the foundations which they own. The mainstream news, which they also own & control, will never cover this. They profess only the most laudable objectives, but their goal is to systematically destroy the country by subversive legislation, then merge it into a global state controlled by multinational corporations. This will be a global fascist dictatorship (New World Order). Every four years you elect the candidates that they’ve already selected. The agenda always stays the same. No major changes occur without their approval. No candidate approaches the presidency without their consent. When you learn that a president or prime minister has made a major decision, it’s their decision. These are the groups that have ordered the assassination of historical political leaders in broad daylight. And they were able to thwart the investigations & have them covered-up in the mainstream news that they own. These things can only occur if the president & congress are not in control. Without the public’s consent they enact policy which is filtered down into the local governments. Some examples of their policies include: the legalization of torture; massive domestic spying programs; a massive citizen informant network which Gang Stalks their enemies; the war in the Middle East; the North American Union via SPP & NAFTA; & the reduction of civil liberties by the creation of the U.S. Patriot Act, suspension of habeas corpus & posse comitatus. They are literally following a step-by-step protocol for the creation of a legal dictatorship. This is how dictatorships are setup, legally. This is all being done behind the scenes without public approval. You might be thinking that it’s unlikely that these groups could exist & wield so much influence without you, your family, friends, or most of people you regularly interact with being aware of it. Or that wealthy people this evil could be carrying out such a plan. But I assure you, they do exist. And if you research this you’ll find that they absolutely control your president & congress like puppets. Past presidents, congressmen, & a multitude of other political figures have repeatedly warned us that such a well-organized subversive threat existed. A variety of disinformation disguised as “educational” material has been released to certain sectors of local governments across the country. It portrays anyone mentioning this subversive movement as a “conspiracy theorist.” Whatever you do, don’t let another individual, no matter how trusted, decide for you. If any individual, regardless of their stature, tries to persuade you to not look into this, remember—any subject of this potential magnitude deserves your personal attention. Then you can decide after you’ve personally seen the material. So, spend just a few minutes on my website & learn who really runs your country. Find out who “they” are, what they’ve done, & what their plans are for you & your children. Learn what “they” don’t want you to know. Thank you, Mark M. Rich Hidden Evil Info Sheet TheHiddenEvil
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 20:27:38 +0000

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