The People must stand and demand a complete Independent - TopicsExpress


The People must stand and demand a complete Independent Investigation, into the Tragic Events that occurred on 9/11, along with the Cover-up that has occurred every day since. Its Now or Never. There are some Representatives, standing by the side of Victims Families, calling for another Investigation. We all need to stand behind them now. I believe The People, should give our so-called President, one chance to obey his Oath. Witness or Suspect? I have written about 9/11, far too many times, for far too long. Here is what I wrote, earlier today, on 9/11: A Conspiracy Theory. Which, includes what I wrote on John 18:37, Seek The Truth. Must See. Please Share. I believe we will Die, if we continue to Live, the 9/11 Lie. If anyone, still believes the Official Man in the Cave Story of 9/11, they must be living in a Cave. Or, deaf, dumb, and blind. Mostly, dumb! You cant teach that! This is a continuation of my previous post Seek The Truth. This is what I wrote: Words To Live By: To keep living. I believe we are living one big Secret Covered-up Lie, and its about to blow up in our face, just like the Forgotten Buildings on 9/11. I believe we will Die, if we continue to Live, the 9/11 Lie. There is so much more to the 9/11 Story, then the Official Lie, coming from our so-called Government. I believe the Mountain of Evidence that 9/11 was an Inside Job, is as high as the Twin Towers, once stood. I not only believe 9/11 was an Inside Job, I believe it was made into, a Royal Nazi Messianic Satanic Ritual. Goes with the Pre-Meditated Oil Wars, in the Name of God, that followed 9/11. The Ultimate Insult, to my God, he says Thou Shall Not Kill. What does your God say? To be fighting Wars in the Name of God, is as Insane, as the Evil Royals and so-called Leaders creating them. I have seen things, that show a correlation between 9/11, and Revelations 9-11 in the Bible. I have also seen things that suggest Jesus was really born on 9/11!! That, would explain, many things. I believe we are living out a Royal Plot to deliver on the Promise, of a New World Order, by Skulls and Bones Secret Society Member Bush 41. Hitler promised a New World Order! Goes with Skulls and Bones Bush 41 being the Son of Skulls and Bones Prescott Bush, his Royal War Pig Banks were shut down for Funding the Nazis in WW II. We allowed the Son and Grandson, of the Banker to the Nazis, to become President. What could possibly go wrong? Everything! Was the Old World Trade Center, demolished to make way for the New One World Trade Center, marking the arrival of the New World Order? 9/11, just so happened to occur at the very same time, as Pre-Planned Terror / Hijacking Drills, What are the chances? The Boston Marathon Massacre on Patriots Day, just so happened to occur at very same time, as Pre-Planned Terror / Bombing Drills. They even made an Announcement, This is only a Drill, right before people were blown to pieces. The 9/11 Drill placed the VP, Uncle Dick, in charge of Air Defense (NORAD) for the first time in American History. Hoping, and praying, its the last. If you hear Uncle Joe, taking over NORAD, run for Cover! Of course, Cover wont help, with Nuclear Bombs being dropped on US. Close counts, in Horseshoes, and Nuclear Bombs. I believe it is only a matter, if our Domestic or Foreign Enemies, wipe US off the face of the Map first. Or, are they all one? One New World Order, as promised by Hitler, and Skulls and Bones Bush 41. Nuclear World War against the Great Enemy from the North, as we stand by the side of Israel until the day we die, is being created as I write. That War Scenario, along with the New World Order, comes straight out of the Book of Revelation in the Bible. Uncle Dick has Predicted, a far deadlier Attack, then 9/11. I believe that is a Terrorist Threat, coming from the Domestic Terrorist, most responsible for the Execution of 9/11. He, even gave Stand Down Order, as Planes were approaching. Benghazi included Stand Down Order. All these Stories, start sounding the same, I believe because they are all Lies. As I am writing, Uncle Dick was just shown, condemning Isolationism and mentioned 9/11. To solve a Crime, follow the Money, Uncle Dick has gotten filthy rich since 9/11. I will attach that Clip, to Comments, if I can find it. I believe it appeared for a reason. Confirming, I am being Led to the Truth, from above. Uncle Dick is going to be on CNN, with Jake Tapper, tomorrow at 1 PST. Wonder, if he will be making any more Terrorist Threats? Jake Tapper, just recently made fun of Truthers, seeking 9/11 Truth. I believe the Group, Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, may be Suing him. Wonder, if Jake the Snake, will have Uncle Dick as his Witness. Or, will he dig, his own Grave? Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, have also gathered enough signatures, to get it 9/11 Truth on Ballot in NYC. The Truth is the Word of God. The Truth and The People, seeking and speaking it, are the Enemies of this Nation. Being, Ruled under Secrets, and Lies. The Truth has been turned in to a Conspiracy Theory. Based on that Theory, God will become the next Enemy, and his Word the next Conspiracy Theory. Drop, the Theories, lets talk Conspiracies. I believe there is a Mass Conspiracy and Mass Cover-up, includes the Mass Media, of the Destruction of America. We must bring all the Conspirators to Justice. Before, they put US, all in our Graves. Unless, they cut to the chase, and turn US all to Ash. Just like, many of the Forgotten Victims, on 9/11. Killing In The Name. Wake Up! Know Your Enemy. Take The Power Back! The words of Rage Against The Machine. They screamed at US, over 20 years ago, about everything happening to our Nation today. This is a Plan! This is a Conspiracy! I believe everything that JFK warned US about in his Secret Society Speech, over 50 years ago, is Ruling our Nation today. I believe the same could be said of JFKs Separation of Church and State Speech. Those Royal Rulers, holding Holy Books, are the Kings of Cover-up. JFK exposed a Plot to enslave every man, woman, and child of our Nation. JFK is still known as, The Last President To Tell The Truth, see that Video attached to Comments. JFK was Assassinated 7 days later. I believe by the Royal Plotters, Find the Truth on 9/11, and I believe we will have found the Truth, on the Assassination of JFK. Same, Royal Plot, different day. I believe we are living out their Royal Plot of Enslavement today. Death, usually follows, Enslavement. Skulls and Bones Secret Society is known as the Brotherhood of Death. The Skulls and Bones Bushs and Skulls and Bones John Kerry, are in the Bloodline, of the Royals from across the Pond. Imagine that. The Royals and The Nazis have a long Courtship. Our choice in the Election after 9/11, 2004, was Skulls and Bones Royal Bush 43 vs Skulls and Bones Royal Kerry. We got, Skulls and Bones Royalty, either way. I believe the 2004 Election proves, our Elections are Rigged, and the Two Partys are really One. The Federalist Party, part of, the World Federalist Movement. One New World Order, as promised by Hitler, and Skulls and Bones Bush 41. While,our Royal Rulers and so-called Leaders can keep Secrets and tell US Lie, God knows all. I believe he has seen and heard enough. The Book of Revelation, is The End Story, written by John. I believe it directly relates, to the Message, I have received from above. I believe the Message of the Spirit of Truth (John 16:13) is: The Truth or The End. The Truth will set US Free (John 8:32). Free at last. Free at last. Free and Independent, were the final words, of JFKs Secret Society Speech. I believe Independent, was key word, directed at the Evil Royals we Declared our Independence from. I will continue to write, standing for the Word of God, until I hear The Truth. Or, die trying. Just like, JFK, my Namesake. Just like, Joan of Arc, my Bloodline. Just like, Jesus, my Savior. I believe the Royal Plot has US living out, The End of the Christian Calendar, based on The Beginning. Jesus rose from the dead. Is he returning sooner, rather then later. If so, I believe that means The People failed the Test of Time, from above. The People failed to stand for the Word of God, when they needed to most, in The End. May God Bless the United States of America. Because, we need it! See my entire facebook page, its my Book - Change 2014. It follows Change 2013 and Change 2012. PS: Dont shoot the Messenger. Its Gods Call of Duty for all of US. Peace.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 08:03:49 +0000

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