The Peoples Gold Vs The Cabals Gold + What would happen if the - TopicsExpress


The Peoples Gold Vs The Cabals Gold + What would happen if the Federal Reserve was shut down permanently? (Posted & Compiled by Rique Seraphico). 01 - Karen Hudes Either We Take Back Our Gold, Our Legality, or Well Have WW3. (02.03.14). Video Link: __________________________________ 02 - The Peoples Gold Certificates From Karen Hudes. Download Link: https://s3.amazonaws/khudes/soekarno.pdf (Link by Cândida Soares). __________________________________ 03 - Karen Hudes: Article V Potential to Regain Control Over Our Currency. (07.12.13). Video Link: Karen Hudes, World Bank Whistleblower urges US House Parliamentarian Tom Wickham to get a response from Members of Congress regarding our pending inquiry into the number of states who have applied for an Article V Constitutional Convention. We are at a fork in the road. The dollar is going to crash. The Federal Reserve is creating stress with our German alliance. Board of Governors The Board of Governors of the World Bank, consisting of 188 member countries, ended the Gentlemens Agreement for the US to appoint the President of the World Bank in April 2010. Karen Hudes warned US Congress and the US Treasury Department in 2007 that this would happen if the US President of the World Bank continued to break the rules. Link: https://s3.amazonaws/khudes/usdol... __________________________________ 04 - .World Bank Whistleblower ***Exposes All*** (Pt.1). (04.11.13). Video Link: youtube/watch?v=ACVWfcL8c7s&feature=share&list=PLsMKnscQ_IXWbU3o2ZQTQ_-DwcRSiDqDn&index=7 Former WORLD BANK Senior Counsel Karen Hudes Exposes IRS and JESUIT connection, OBAMA being blackmailed, NUCLEAR False Flag attack on US soil....and MORE. YOU MUST SEE ALL 3 PARTS OF THIS INTERVIEW. WWW.THEFORERUNNERCHRONICLES.COM FACEBOOK@4RUNNER777 TWITTER@4RUNNER777 TEXT@ (417) 693-6995 __________________________________ 05 - 10 Things That Every American Should Know About The Federal Reserve What would happen if the Federal Reserve was shut down permanently? Text Link: theeconomiccollapseblog/archives/10-things-that-every-american-should-know-about-the-federal-reserve What would happen if the Federal Reserve was shut down permanently? That is a question that CNBC asked recently, but unfortunately most Americans dont really think about the Fed much. Most Americans are content with believing that the Federal Reserve is just another stuffy government agency that sets our interest rates and that is watching out for the best interests of the American people. But that is not the case at all. The truth is that the Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel that has been designed to systematically destroy the value of our currency, drain the wealth of the American public and enslave the federal government to perpetually expanding debt. During this election year, the economy is the number one issue that voters are concerned about. But instead of endlessly blaming both political parties, the truth is that most of the blame should be placed at the feet of the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve has more power over the performance of the U.S. economy than anyone else does. The Federal Reserve controls the money supply, the Federal Reserve sets the interest rates and the Federal Reserve hands out bailouts to the big banks that absolutely dwarf anything that Congress ever did. If the American people are ever going to learn what is really going on with our economy, then it is absolutely imperative that they get educated about the Federal Reserve. The following are 10 things that every American should know about the Federal Reserve.... #1 The Federal Reserve System Is A Privately Owned Banking Cartel The Federal Reserve is not a government agency. The truth is that it is a privately owned central bank. It is owned by the banks that are members of the Federal Reserve system. We do not know how much of the system each bank owns, because that has never been disclosed to the American people. The Federal Reserve openly admits that it is privately owned. When it was defending itself against a Bloomberg request for information under the Freedom of Information Act, the Federal Reserve stated unequivocally in court that it was not an agency of the federal government and therefore not subject to the Freedom of Information Act. In fact, if you want to find out that the Federal Reserve system is owned by the member banks, all you have to do is go to the Federal Reserve website.... (Continues....). __________________________________ 06 - Who owns the Federal Reserve. (04.06.11). Video Link: __________________________________ 07 - Glenn Beck Exposes the Private Fed; Gets Fired by Fox. (08.04.11). Video Link: I never liked Glenn Beck much, but it is quite a coincidence that he comes out with the real truth about the private Federal Reserve, and then loses his show on Fox News. Like Ron Paul always says, the Fed is the true facilitator of big government. They could never tax enough, or borrow enough to pay for the wars and corporate welfare without the printing press and world reserve currency status. Do your own research; read G. Edward Griffins classic The Creature from Jekyll Island. The creation of the Fed WAS A CONSPIRACY. No theorizing needed. Our forefathers fought since the founding to deny the bankers a monopoly over the control of currency and credit. We have fallen under the control of the banking establishment, and they have tied their fraudulent debt to the fiscal wellbeing of America. If you consider yourself a proponent of limited, Constitutional government, you have an obligation to fight the Federal Reserve. The neocon talkers like Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Ingraham, and even Savage will not explain the truth. While popular outrage is focused at the Fed, the neocons are trying RIGHT NOW to shift the focus to Chinese policy and their alleged (get this) currency manipulation! Ever heard of QE2? Aired on March 25, 2011 - Fox News Channels Glenn Beck This video clip may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a fair use of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law. __________________________________ 08 - FIRST LOOK Inside the FEDERAL RESERVE, USD, CASH, GOLD. (14.12.13). Video Link: FIRST LOOK Inside the FEDERAL RESERVE, USD, CASH, GOLD Monetary System - Americas Money Vault, National Geographic FULL EPISODE PART 1 For the first time, National Geographic takes you inside the heart of the money machine to places that youre not allowed to bring a camera ...straight into the vaults of some of the worlds largest stashes of what you want, need and bust your butt to get: Money. Hidden deep under the streets of New York City, hundreds of billion dollars in gold bars are tucked away in a bunker that is anchored to the bedrock of Manhattan Island itself. In the latest in a string of high-profile hacking disclosures, the Federal Reserve confirmed on Wednesday that one of its websites was broken into by cyber hackers in a breach that reportedly leaked the contact information of thousands of bankers. While the central bank said the incident didnt affect critical operations of the Federal Reserve System, the disclosure is sure to fuel concerns about the cyber security of government websites and critical financial infrastructure. The Fed hack appears to be tied to an Anonymous group that published on Twitter the credentials of more than 4,000 commercial bankers early Monday morning. The group, Operation Last Resort, said it received the documents via the FED. Call it the Rick Perry gold rush: The governor wants to bring the states gold reserves back from a New York vault to Texas. And he may have legislative support to do it. Freshman Rep. Giovanni Capriglione, R-Southlake, is carrying a bill that would establish the Texas Bullion Depository, a secure state-based bank to house $1 billion worth of gold bars owned by the University of Texas Investment Management Co., or UTIMCO, and stored by the Federal Reserve. If you think gold is a hedge, or a protection, you always want it as close to the individual and the entity as possible, Paul told The Texas Tribune on Thursday. Texas is better served if it knows exactly where the gold is rather than depending on the security of the Federal Reserve. Sadly, most Americans dont even realize that a private banking cartel has a monopoly over all money creation in this country. In recent years they have abused this power by wildly printing money (quantitative easing), and by making more than 16 trillion dollars in secret loans to their friends during the last financial crisis. Neither the Treasury Department nor the Federal Reserve believes that the law can or should be used to facilitate the production of platinum coins for the purpose of avoiding an increase in the debt limit. Remaining alternative to Congress raising the nations borrowing limit, which would utilize a loophole in federal law to mint a $1 trillion coin to be deposited in the Federal Reserve and ensure the federal government could pay all bills and debt obligations. gold money cash fed federal reserve bank banking bankers system matrix monetary vault armored vehicle police cops control mafia episode tv show america u.s. united states american nyc new york new york city gold bullion scrap gold buy gold sell gold silver coins silver bullion u.s. mint inside first look usd dollar crash crisis trust etf paper gold stocks trading investment investing future world global supply debt 2013 forces vault control illuminati new world order alex jones infowars gerald celente david icke farrakhan lindsey williams agenda nwo agendanwo You can thank the reckless money printing that the Federal Reserve has been doing for the incredible bull market that we have seen in recent months. When the Federal Reserve does more quantitative easing, it is the financial markets that benefit the most. The Dow and the S&P 500 have both hit levels not seen since 2007 this month, and many analysts are projecting that 2013 will be a banner year for stocks. But is a rising stock market really a sign that the overall economy is rapidly improving as many are suggesting? Of course not. Just because the Federal Reserve has inflated another false stock market bubble Barack Obama has been president, 40 percent of all American workers are making $20,000 a year or less, median household income has declined for four years in a row, and poverty in the United States is absolutely exploding. So quantitative easing has definitely not made things better for the middle class. But all of the money printing that the Fed has been doing has worked out wonderfully for Wall Street. Profits are soaring at Goldman Sachs and luxury estates in the Hamptons are selling briskly. Unfortunately, this is how things work in America these days. Our leaders seem far more concerned with the welfare of Wall Street than they do about the welfare of the American people. When things get rocky, their first priority always seems to be to do whatever it takes to pump up the financial markets Agenda NWO. __________________________________ 09 - The True History of the Banking Cartels and the Federal Reserve. (10.08.12). Video Link: __________________________________ 10 - Rothschild and Rockefeller run the Federal Reserve and control the...(22.11.11). Video Link: Banker Elites, Controlled Media, Propaganda, Manipulation Master of Puppets, Guest Star: George Carlin. __________________________________ 11 - The Federal Reserve 1913 created by Rome - IRS exposed. (20.04.12). Video Link: JP Morgan , Rockefeller and Warburg are all freemasons which is controlled by Rome (Jesuits).The Rothschilds are The Guardians of the Vatican Treasury and Knights of Malta which controlled by The Jesuit order. USA is under Roman Law - Google Treaty of 1213. David Rockefeller was a Knight of Malta and also most Of The Rothschilds are Knighted into The Knights of The British Empire or The Order of St Merit. The Rothschilds - Guardians of The Vaticans Treasury (Knights of Malta) youtube/watch?v=irpaDD... Fasces in Congress , watch this: Fasces How USA is Connected To The Roman Empire, EU = New Babylon youtube/watch?v=oiY4rA... King George III of England was Jesuit controlled when Colonizing America. (Genocided The Native Americans) What most people dont know (yeah this sounds really odd but its true) that The Titannic was build and sunk deliberate to get their goal to create The Federal reserve ! The Captain was a Jesuit. Vaticans Jesuit Order sink the TITANIC to establish the US Fed Reserve & take over US banking https://youtube/watch?v=qU6Ts... (This video doesnt mentions that the Rothschilds are controlled by the Vatican) The true history of the Banking Cartels and the Federal reserve youtube/watch?v=SMqb_W... __________________________________
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 03:27:18 +0000

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