****The Phenomenon called AAParchy**** by Ediga Suresh 1. - TopicsExpress


****The Phenomenon called AAParchy**** by Ediga Suresh 1. Anarchy is when the Babri Masjid was demolished and all the CMs were in stand by mode 2. Anarchy is when the riots in Gujarat happened and the entire state machinery was helpless 3. Anarchy is when the Sikh riots happened and the CM, the PM and every one else connected failed miserably 4. Anarchy is when emergency was declared 5. Anarchy is when Soni Sori was raped & abused by the same police who were supposed to protect 6. Anarchy is when the Media for the sake of TRP ratings live telecasted (although later it claimed to be 30 mins delayed) the Black ops during Mumbai terrorist attack 7. Anarchy is when the think tank, the scientists, the research analysts, the policy makers, the visionaries, all put together cannot solve the malnutrition problem of 3 year old 8. Anarchy is when the Bhopal Gas Tragedy happened right in front of everyone and the justice is being denied even after 29 long years 9. Anarchy is when the farmers commit suicide just because they cant afford a meagre 20,000 rupees and the state doesnt do anything other than preparing statistics 10. Kashmiri pandits were forced to leave kashmir and never allowed to come back.. Assamese are being forced to leave assam, by immigrant bangla deshis ... 11. Anarchy is when the bofors happened, the 2G happened, the Adarsh happened, the Hawala happened, the cash for vote happened right on the floor of the house - the CMs, PMs, the ministers were all involved If we didnt raise our voice then, if we didnt rise to protest then, if we didnt try to stop then, then what moral right do we have to question what AAP is tried to do in Delhi especially when they were trying to force a change that no other govt even attempted to do in all these years. Yes, the methods are unconventional and unlike anything anyone has seen before, but if a mere request/proposal/policy was honored simply based on its legitimacy then the political setup in Delhi wouldnt be this way and may be AAP would never have happened. But yes that doesnt mean whatever AAP is doing must be right or will always be right. There will never be a party that can be fully trusted, if there is anything that can be trusted, then its the system the party creates to make sure it stays true to its beliefs and principles and people are people. Just like how there are good behavior in other parties there will be bad behavior in AAP as well. For e.g. Kumar Vishwas low opinion of women should be condemned in the strongest terms, and must be criticized so that he learns and rectifies his mistakes, its policies for the women where it relies on community policing and other kinds of policing forgetting about the real reasons of the education, lack of awareness must be criticized so they can improve. For their policy decisions such as water, electricity, FDI etc, we must remember that these are heavily debatable depending on whose research or analysis one is relying on, but the good thing about these being implemented in Delhi is that these programs are being transparent with an option to evaluate. AAP also has declared that all its ministers will be evaluated and will have a report card to asses how they did, how each one of them did, so these policy decisions, whether they hurt someone or help someone is just a matter of time. Right now they are under the scanner, everything they do or dont do, everything they say or dont say, they are being overtly criticized for. AAPs victory in Delhi has brought in a change in the political system for which we waited 60 years and when the victory did come we are getting so impatient with it that we want to destroy it before it can even stand on its feet forget about even sustaining and growing from here. If AAP looses its not just AAPs loss, its a loss for the hope that change can happen and change is possible.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 14:34:26 +0000

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