The Philosophy of Regulation. - By Joshua A. Moore From: A - TopicsExpress


The Philosophy of Regulation. - By Joshua A. Moore From: A Functional Monarchy ( Links at the bottom) I am caught repeating my self several times about the Philosophy of regulation though not in that topic exactly. In Modern American Politics, Regulation is often addressed in a very he said-she said manner. I have wrote in criticism of of those producing regulations, who are suppose to regulate business entities to which, the same politicians putting the bill forth- have conflicts of of interest that glow like the sun to any one with Google, 15-minutes of free time and the will to use them. But I will turn my attention for a few minutes to those who propose the answer is always to de-regulate. Its common for conservatives to blame government regulation for failures in the market. Once more, Failures to enforce regulation are also often used as a argument for deregulation... With out delving too deeply into how crazy politics can get, I will impart on you this question for those of you whom believe that regulation is fundamentally in the way of progress and wealth. Just one question. How many Insect fragments are acceptable-to-you, in your chocolate bar? II Regulation by its purpose is to make-regular. Meaning regulations role in not just a functional monarchy but in a functional society, is to ensure that business is being conducted fairly. Regulation for example ensure that a car sales man is turning back the Odometer on a car and selling 100,000 mile cars as 30,000 mile cars. This should be common sense, but it has gotten lost in the redirect that comes with democratic politics. Good regulation is whats needed for a society to function. How much or how little regulation is on the books is not important, what si is important is how effective that regulation is at ensuring fair practices are being observed. Corruption is the bane of Good regulatory environments. Florida for example has seen dramatically worsening environmental conditions for the last decade at least- on record. Chemical dumping, Mostly from agriculture industry in Florida has built up over the years and is now killing Floridas estuaries and contaminating our water supplies. The chemicals have created an environment where harmful bacteria and algae thrive, as a result waters you once could swim and fish in, are now dangerous to even come in contact with. So what did Florida and the EPA *DO* to address levels of chemical contamination that was above and beyond safety limits? well its quiet simple, they changed the definition of safe limits. ... The problem in this story is not fact that there where regulations to begin with- the problem was with corruption in their enforcement. III Good regulation keeps rat turds out of our peanut butter. Mandates safety standards in our cars. Things that are ordinarily unprofitable expenses in a market environment. Poor regulation, is regulation which is unenforceable, serves no real purpose I.E. No longer serve the purpose it was designed for, either because of technology or social changes. Sodomy laws are an example of Poor regulation. Poor regulation is allowing more than 80,000 pages of regulations ( Federal alone) pile up on the books. The Drug war stands in monument to regulation that was well intended to protect people and society from a presumably debilitating affliction of drug use. How ever the idea has proven in decades worth of history- that it is unworkable. ( I will write a specific post about the Drug war and the Crowns answer to the drug problem later) So that brings us to the Answers. The Crowns answer is that a Balance must be struck. Regulation must be strong and enforced but not so strong as every department of government needs its own swat teams ( link at the bottom). Regulation should not impede on peoples daily lifes or else you violate and corrupt the purpose of regulation ( to make regular). The Crown Seeks to strike a balance in its Regulation that makes its government and governance something that happens mostly in the background of every day life. Prioritizing the following in order: Facts ( is this regulation based on correct information) Fairness ( Honesty, i.e. no selling 100k mile cars as 30k mile cars) Safety / Freedom ( equal priorities of the crown.) Impartiality ( Important ideal to keep in governance.) Prosperity. (who stands to lose and who stands to profit and how can you minimize that impact?) Longevity ( For how long will this regulation be relevant?) IV. As a few notes for the bottom line, I mentioned above that Prosperity or impact is a priority when forming,modifying or abolishing regulations. The idea that people should profit off laws written by the government is a dangerous concept! Intentional efforts should be made to ensure that no one takes advantage of regulations or uses the power of regulation to their own ends. A certain level of decency and patriotism is expected, the key to accomplishing this is to adhere to Impartiality in law making. Once again, the actionable power of a crown lends it self well to this. Above the concerns of normal politics, A monarch and his/her government should focus on the bigger picture. Regulations written with a science in mind and enacted by the direct power of the crown makes it the shortest route and the least vulnerable to the endless Democratic squabbles of congressman, each representing their own host of special interests seeking to profit from the power of law. As for longevity of a regulation. This is is an issue that has a simple solution, Nearly every regulation ( besides those which are considered back bone laws. Thou shalt not murder- etcetera,etcetera. ) should have a built in sunset. A projection of how long the regulation is expected to remain relevant, After which time it will expire and must be either allowed to expire or renewed. So as for the hardest one to answer for. Safety and freedom. In truth, your safety depends some what on your freedom. These are two important factors in our civilization that are not separable. Your safety and your freedom go hand in hand. They should not be the squabbling pair that our fore fathers thought them to be. Balance, Respect for Freedom,Concern for safety, Impartiality, Logical approach to creation and long term outlooks of impact and benefit. - This is the Philosophy of Regulation by the Crown.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 15:56:51 +0000

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