The Planned Greater Zionist Israel ◕ Texe Marrs w/ Jeff Rense - TopicsExpress


The Planned Greater Zionist Israel ◕ Texe Marrs w/ Jeff Rense 9.16.13 The Zionist Plot To Rob You To Pay For More Middle East Bloodshed July 2011 [SNIP] Now, if sanity prevailed in this country, the angry American people would rise up as one and order the politicians: Cut the nonsense. Bring our troops home. End the Satanic wars! And while youre at it, send Janet Napolitano and her TSA crotch-grabbing pals at the airports packing. Dismantle the whole crazy, Big Brother Police State mess and return us to constitutional government. Presto! Deficit problem solved. No need to rob the taxpayer of his hard-earned Social Security and Medicare. Just end the war spending and bring our troops home. Well still have the worlds most powerful armed forces, but the troops will be here, in America, defending our borders, not bleeding and dying over in the Middle East massacring mostly innocent men, women, and children whose survivors end up hating us. The Jewish Lobby Tells Congress What to Do So, why not do this? Why not end the insanity? Well, simply put, the Zionist Jews wont let us be sane! The White House and Congress are owned lock, stock, and barrel by the Jewish lobbyists. Congressman Paul Ryan, a Republican who is head of the budget committee in the House, and Republican House Speaker John Boehner and his sidekick, Rep. Eric Cantor, are in rapturous love with the Jewish lobbyists. Democrats—like Representatives Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, and Debbie Wasserman—likewise are recruits in Netanyahyus Jewish legions of deceit. AIPAC, the ADL, the AJC (American Jewish Congress) and the rest of the Jewish power elite have taken our politicians captive. So here is the bottom line: Something in the budget has got to go, but the Jews are going to make sure that (1) Israel continues to get its plush foreign aid money; (2) Americas five wars in the Middle East and the buildup of a Greater Israel Empire continue; and (3) Anyone who votes against these pro-Jew death programs better kiss their House or Senate seat goodbye! Robbing You and Me is Their Goal That means, dear friends, that if anything gets cut in our federal budget, its gonna be the money owed the folks—you and me. And that means Social Security and Medicare entitlements are dead meat. Please dont be misled: You are entitled to these benefits. You and your employer paid in to these funds. This is not welfare. These are insurance programs that are owed you and me. We Owe the Zionist Crooks Nothing In contrast, you and I owe Israel and the Zionists not a cent! Nothing; nada; zilch; zero. For decades the cheaters and thieves in Washington, D.C. have been gobbling up our Social Security and Medicare payments and promising us insurance benefits in return. Now they want to change the rules, simply because their Zionist masters say so. [SNIP] texemarrs/072011/zioni... The Jeff Rense Program September 16th, 2013 renseradio/listenlive.htm https://youtube/watch?v=K2pWq1UD1oU
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 04:49:13 +0000

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