The Progressive and Liberal U.S. Congress has, through the years, - TopicsExpress


The Progressive and Liberal U.S. Congress has, through the years, passed laws, ratified treaties, and established Departments, Agencies, Commissions, and other Offices that have eaten the living marrow out of the bones of this Country. Whether the Congress accomplished this by deliberate action, or incompetence is inconsequential. 100 years ago the American people were promised that if we surrendered a little of our wealth and liberty to the Federal Government, our Nation would enjoy peace and prosperity. We have received in return perpetual war, insurmountable public debt, Liberty crushing poverty, Government dependence, and civil unrest. The Progressives and Liberals promoting the policies which have torn the fabric of this nation have exposed themselves as Fascists and Communists, two philosophies abhorrent to a free and independent people. It is time that we culled the putrid graft of Nationalism from the stock of the Liberty Tree and re-established our republic. Repeal the 17th Amendment: Transform our States from Federal vassals into the masters over the Federal Government they were designed to be. Repeal the 16th Amendment: Return the wealth of this Nation back to the rightful owners, the people. Abolish the Federal Reserve Bank and other Monetary Institutions that have had a pivotal role in crushing the U.S. and World Economy. Return the value of our currency to the Gold Standard. Currency with no value makes all things worthless. Force the House of Representatives to perform their Constitutional mandate of representing 30,000 people per Congressman. Today each Congressman represents over 728 Thousand people. This is not representation. If we do these things we may just save ourselves.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 10:13:12 +0000

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