The Promised Time for Our Indigenous Nations to Take Unprecedented - TopicsExpress


The Promised Time for Our Indigenous Nations to Take Unprecedented Unified Action is Now! “ After hundreds of years of on-going violations of Nation to Nation Treaties by the Governments of Canada and the USA, supported by Multinational Natural Resource Extraction Industry, here and globally, it is clear that closing down the ever- increasing destruction of the Alberta Tar Sands and related Pipe Lines and Tankers, or ending other environmental destruction occurring on Indigenous Territories everywhere on Mother Earth, will take culturally- spiritually based, principle-centered, and unprecedented, unified action of Indigenous North Americans, Indigenous Communities globally, and their Allies. This includes, supportive NGOs, Citizens of Canada, the USA, and other related International Support, never before seen or actualized. This unprecedented, unified action will only be achieved by fully revitalizing our spiritually based, cultural traditions, values and guiding principles and standing together and acting from within our own inherent, Indigenous Legal Orders! These Indigenous Legal Orders are reflected by Treaties and Declarations like, the International Treaty to Protect the Sacred from Tar Sands Projects, the Save the Frazier Declaration, the Yinka-Dene Alliance and the Rights of Mother Earth Accord, The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and other related Treaties and Declarations, in coordination with supportive and unbiased dimensions of the International Legal Order. It has been demonstrated, time after time, that this needed unity and unprecedented, principle-centered action for social and environmental justice will not be able to be realized through the Canadian, US or other Legal Orders of Nation States that continue to destroy Mother Earth, disrespect Human Rights and violate their own Treaties and Agreements with Indigenous Peoples. In fact, from my perspective, if you polled most Indigenous communities in Canada and the US, they would agree that most of our Treaties have long since been violated and broken and therefore are null and void. And that justly, whatever we gave up, in Spirit and Intent, when these Treaties were made with Canada and the US should be justly returned. In the case of British Columbia First Nations territories were simply illegally and unjustly seized without any respect to Indigenous Peoples of British Columbia’s inherent and sovereign Aboriginal Legal that has never been ceded or surrendered. Unless Indigenous Peoples and their Allies come together in unprecedented, unified action, based in a respect for unity in diversity and the full consciousness of the Oneness of the Human Family and all Life, all that is envisioned in regard to the full development of the Tar Sands, including Pipe Lines and Oil Tankers, by the Governments of Canada and the USA, the Multinational Oil Companies they serve, will be actualized in short order. Only a level of unity, never before achieved or, in some cases, even imagined, will be able to stop these unsustainable, environmentally destructive, corrupt and devastating forces, centered in an ideology of privilege, elitism, unbridled materialism, greed and economic gain, at whatever the cost. If allowed to continue, these unsustainable, environmentally destructive and devastating global forces will continue, with deepening devastation, to negatively and profoundly impact our Human Family and Mother Earth for many, many generations to come. It is more than time for unified, principle-centered, global action to Protect and Restore the Sacred by Indigenous Peoples and our dedicated allies of the Human Family! In summary, It is crystal clear, there will be no just and ultimate resolution to the broken treaties between Indigenous Sovereign Nations across Canada and the US, and the illegal seizure and confiscation of never surrendered and ceded territories (British Columbia) within the Canadian and US Legal Orders that broke their own treaties and illegally seized the lands of other Sovereign Nations! Canada and the US broke their promises, Indigenous Peoples didn’t. Therefore any actions we take as Indigenous Peoples to stop the destruction of our Mother Earth and to protect ourselves and our future generations is not Civil Disobedience. If a Sovereign Indigenous Nation, within their inherent, inviolable, Indigenous Legal Order, take actions to protect themselves, their future generations and our Mother Earth and subsequently another Nation (Canada and the US) violates our sovereignty and arrests and imprisons any individual who is carrying out the mandate of their Indigenous Nation, in essence the whole Nation is arrested and imprisoned and their never ceded and surrendered Indigenous Legal Order is violated! Ultimately, the only just resolution of these issues will be through a just, unbiased International Legal Order, free from the influence of those Nation States that broke their own Treaties with Sovereign Indigenous Nations and, as well, illegally seized and confiscated the never surrendered and never ceded territories of other Sovereign Indigenous Nations, as the case in British Columbia and many other places around Mother Earth! This resolution, includes, the full legal recognition of the inherent, Indigenous Legal Order, that is still alive and well and whose traditional cultural and spiritual values and protocols still govern the affairs at the heart of Indigenous Nations and Tribes everywhere on Mother Earth! Moccasins on the Ground , Protect the Sacred, Shield the People and others, are powerful, culturally and spiritual based, grass-roots movements rising up from the Oglala Lakotas and other members of the Dakota, Nakota, and Dakota Nation to Protect the Sacred from the Keystone XL Pipeline and their Tributaries. These are spiritual warriors who have staked themselves out, and will not retreat under any circumstances to, Protect and Restore the Sacred! They are now being backed by their Traditional Treaty Councils and their elected Tribal Councils! This is growing unity is unprecedented since the US Military and Government tried to divide, conquer and destroy the Oceti Sakowin, the Seven Council Fires of the Great Sioux Nation and many other Indigenous Nations, as well. Now, in place of our transitory disunity, a great spiritual giant is awaking in unity, as prophesied! Whatever it takes, The Oceti Sakowin, The Seven Council Fires of the Great Sioux Nation, are bound and spiritually determined to stop the Keystone XL Pipeline. Other Indigenous Nations are joining them , including the Pawnee, Ponca and the Nez Perce Nations and First Nations from Canada! As well, other supportive and dedicated NGOs and Members of the Human Family, like Bold Nebraska, the Cowboy and Indian Alliance ( New CIA) and others, too numerous to mention, are resolutely standing together with our Indigenous Peoples, in unshakable, indivisible unity! For instance, the International Treaty to Protect the Sacred from Tar Sands Projects ,first signed on January 25, 2013, Ihanktonwan Territory, Fort Randall, Yankton Sioux Tribe, has now been signed by Canadian and US Indigenous Leadership and Allies in Ottawa, Ontario, Vancouver, British Columbia and Los Angeles, California. More signings are yet to come! As well, it is important to remember that On June 25, 1875, the Oceti Sakowin, along with their Cheyenne and Arapaho allies, under the leadership of Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, Gall and Two Moons and others, delivered the US Military their greatest defeat in US military history. The 7th Calvary, led by General George Armstrong Custer, was almost totally annihilated. It was this same reformed 7th Calvary that, in retaliation, massacred more than 300 defenseless men, women, children and elders at Wounded Knee, South Dakota on December 29, 1890. They even killed our relative’s dogs and horses. For this immoral and cowardly action more than 20 members of the 7th Calvary received the Medal of Honor, the highest of all US military awards and usually presented by the US President! This is most numbers Medal of Honors given out in any one “battle” in the entire history of the US Military! The responsibility for the outcome of the Keystone XL Pipeline, is now the sole responsibility of President Obama! Indigenous Nations in Canada and the USA have taken their unshakable positions! Despite all the broken promises of the past and the bitter inter-generational cruelty, abuse and injustice our Indigenous Nations have and continue to suffer, we continue to pray that President Obama makes the right decision for all our beloved future generations of the Human Family and our Mother Earth! And that President Obama lives up to the Sacred Name that he very proudly received from members of the Great Crow Nation, Awe Koda Biaxpak Kuxshish, The One Who Helps Throughout the Land and the promises to respect and honor our Treaties and that President Obama stands together with us in unprecedented, unified action to Protect the Sacred! At the same time, the Oceti Sakowin and Allies will continue to prepare to make a Unified Stand within our own never ceded, inherent, culturally and spiritually based Sovereign Legal Order, just in case President Obama chooses to surrender his morality and ethical responsibilities. Thus, abandoning a healthy and sustainable future for his children and future generations and stand in support of Keystone XL Pipeline and the further destruction of our Mother Earth! President Obama needs to reflect deeply on his upcoming decision on the Keystone XL Pipeline, or he may find himself and his government, symbolically and spiritually, at another Little Big Horn! that will be globally viewed and reviewed. As prophesied, the Oceti Sakowin, the Seven Council Fires of the Great Sioux Nation, is rapidly arising, more spiritually potent and committed to Protecting and Restoring the Sacred than ever before! Come what may, the world is, in truth, moving on towards its destiny. The interdependence of the peoples, nations and all life on Mother Earth, whatever the leaders of the divisive forces of the world may say or do, is already an accomplished fact.” Uncle, Brother, Father, Grandfather and Friend Phil Lane Jr., Shunkmanu, A Leader of Warriors who Takes the Enemies Best Horses, or in short, Horse Thief, Ihanktonwan Dakota, Yankton Sioux Tribe and Chickasaw Nation Shunkmanu He Miye Do!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 05:01:36 +0000

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