The Prophet God always uplifts God’s people through That - TopicsExpress


The Prophet God always uplifts God’s people through That is what GOD does for you, his children, what the devil does is still the same old tricks, steal, kill and destroy that is his nature and his nature is in men some men that are leading are not men of GOD. That is why the God of heaven calls them liars and thieves and robbers for the Lord himself looked up at them and said, you are nothing but a brood of vipers, on the outside you seem to make all the rules, you give heavy burdens to Gods people to carry, yet cannot carry the same burden that you place on all men Now when you read this, it may remind many of some politicians as well who merely walk with the devil. They do not say it, nor will claim it, but in truth are it, for they do not obey the same Laws that they expect you to follow. They throw some in prison, for no reason yet in themselves should be in prison for the blood of many is upon their own hands. They have paid many false teachers and preachers to preach the same lies through for they are the ones in sheep clothing that the Lord warned all about. Now God did say, you, who are his people, do stand as one, never mind some, for some are called to see more than you for they are the ones that bear the scars of the three Hebrew children that were thrown into the furnace. The king Nebuchadnezzar, did not throw all the Hebrew children into the furnace for the others did nothing either. Now Elijah he was the same, they ran and chased him but not the rest, for they were in caves hiding from all men till Elijah came out and shouted for GOD, the rest did just that they followed. Now today is not any different as a man in prisoner in Babylon, held not by any other but the same, shouts out for the Lord and speaks all prophesy before all men and before GOD in heaven. I am not just a servant of GOD, I am a prophet called from my youth and told by GOD for thirty years be silent and wait for that time. Go read my book it all is in there all said before the war and before all the rest and before all the world, I may be in prison but I have a voice and that voice will not stop declaring what GOD said all before, THE MESSIAH IS COMING BACK! He is not coming back as the Lamb who was led to the slaughter; HE is coming back and the Judge of all. Gods judgement has already begun, that is why you have the BIBLE it shows everything all before. Since 1983 each and everything that God said has already come to pass, there is only one thing left for GOD to do as GOD promised this servant, that is the coming of the LORD. Now take that into consideration and let me know, what are the chances it will not come to pass. The reason they hold me prisoner in Ireland is exactly the same, because I am the prophet, from 2004, God told them to the banks, the corruption, the reason why the money fell, then all the rest is history and past news. If you go Google all that news. You can rest assured this man foretold it all to them long before the fall came. The lies well that will not stop until they turn back to GOD as GOD did say. Then they say the real enemy is religious fanatics they are the real enemy, they tried the race war between all men, they tried religion between all men then they try the religious fanatics and point always away from themselves. While trying to fool the public that it is immigration then finding the truth that Mexico has oil and gas, so does not need their money, yet they need to be friends with the people of money, who are the people with money, but the very same people who have the minerals and riches in gold as well. A man that cannot be tested cannot be trusted to be telling the truth.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 08:17:15 +0000

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