The Real Barack Obama & the Transformation of America In the - TopicsExpress


The Real Barack Obama & the Transformation of America In the paragraphs that follow, I will demonstrate that the majority of Barack Obama’s actions, both publicly and covertly – are hostile to Christianity. Whether you espouse Christianity as your faith or not, it is important to know why it is so critical if he is lying, and how this may directly tie into his personal connection to radical Islam. If the most powerful man in the world practices deception in the most basic bedrock of his character, it does not bode well for his truthfulness in matters of national importance. In this article I will analyze, not just the statements Barack Obama has made, but his political and presidential actions. Sadly, it appears most journalists will not touch this subject. This is a reality of the erosion of freedom of the press in America, which used to be founded on courageous and free speech. Journalists today, especially in the conglomerate news media, are restricted from reporting freely on certain issues, like this one. But, that is the subject of another article. As a former federal agent, who swore an oath to uphold the Constitution, I feel duty bound to expose this information. As the saying goes, “It’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it.” Read more at sonsoflibertymedia/2014/11/real-barack-obama-transformation-america/ https://facebook/pages/OBAMA-Jesus-cries-for-America/513932775331063
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 01:09:15 +0000

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