The Real Peoples Climate March. Dont let yourself be fooled - TopicsExpress


The Real Peoples Climate March. Dont let yourself be fooled over and over again! join the REAL peoples climate march: gmacag https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.957645384252038.1073741834.567005333316047&type=1 what inspired me to do the video: breitbart/Big-Government/2014/09/14/Peoples-Climate-March-will-take-to-streets-of-New-York screenshots of sponsors taken here: last screenshot taken here: forbes/sites/jamestaylor/2013/05/30/global-warming-alarmists-caught-doctoring-97-percent-consensus-claims/ jonrappoport.wordpress/2014/09/18/un-climate-change-1000-scientists-say-no/ I am NOT saying joining the climate march is a bad thing. There is a lot of important urgent issues to protest against besides geoengineering. Absolutely no question about that. Still the question remains why none of the big climate rescuers is including the possibility of already implemented geoengineering into their research about climate change, although the obvious hints and facts are all out there since years. To me, for years now, a very suspicious fact within the whole climate change debate. Especially as many green-movements and organisations are funded by the very same money pots that are, in much more silent manner, funding geoengineering as well. There is a protest organized within the events of a climate week that is funded by the biggest money companies and organisations in the world that on the surface tries to feel like a peoples march. Plus the fact that one year after the first authentic grassroots protest GMACAG and exactly one week before the next one they are presenting this blatant attempt of fake grassroots level style, while the whole campain is designed by advertisment agencies and launched through huge media outlets all over the world. All i am saying is to be careful, that your concerned voice and your engaged protest does not get abused to legalize chemtrailing the whole planet into a grim and very inhuman future. They worked like that in the past and they sure work like that in our present time. Watch The Peoples Climate Hoax on YouTube The Peoples Climate Hoax:
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 14:44:12 +0000

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