The Real Story of Marissa Alexander: During the trial of George - TopicsExpress


The Real Story of Marissa Alexander: During the trial of George Zimmerman, the child Killer and reported molester, people argued against his acquittal by citing the case of Marissa Alexander. A woman in Florida, who her supporters say got a much harsher sentence that George Zimmerman did and her only crime was firing a warning shot at her alleged abusive husband. they say Alexander tried to use Floridas now infamous stand your ground law as her defense just like George Zimmerman did. Yet, she was sentenced to 20 years. after Zimmerman was released, the Internet was ablaze about Alexander. from there even national media outlets like headline news and MSNBC picked up the story and made people wonder about a double standard in the stand your ground law and how its applied in court. To be clear, there is a double standard. George Zimmerman is murdering child killer, but Marissa Alexander is not being treated unfairly. Lets discuss what really happened about Marisa Alexander. Marrissa Alexander and her husband Rico Gray met each other in 2007. they had a violent altercation 2009 in which Alexander claims she had been injured. but this was apparently wasnt enough to convince her to not marry Mr. Gray the following year in May 2010. after about a couple of weeks the two were no longer living in the same house together as Ms. Alexander had been living elsewhere. its not clear yet where exactly she was a month and half but clearly Mr. Gray had some suspicions where his wife is laying her head all this time. On the evening of July 31st 2010, a month and a half after Ms. Alexander had left, she returned to their home and parked her car in their garage. Her husband and his children were not home, so she let herself in and stayed the night. next morning August 1, her husband and his children returned home to find Marissa Alexander in the house. all Seemed well and even had breakfast without incident. however, on her way to the bathroom, Ms Alexander handed her cell phone to her husband so that you can see pictures of your newborn baby who was still in the hospital. while Ms Alexander was still in the bathroom, me gray began looking through her phone. He came across text messages from Marissas X husband, Lincoln Alexander. Does this explain where Marissa was laying her head all this time for a month and half , fresh of getting married to me Gray ? Mr Gray certainly thought so. Even more , he confronted Marissa while she was in the bathroom and questioned the paternity of the new born infant. At this point, a verbal argument began. Mr Gray then told his kids to get dressed so they could all leave. It was at this point the argument continued and Ms Alexander went though the kitchen door leading to the garage to her car. According to a statement by a group called justice for Marissa Alexander, she went to the garage and could not open the garage door because the door couldnt open. It had a mechanical failure. The garage door that worked last night, mysteriously succumbed to mechanical failure. Not only did the garage door not work , she also claimed that she had left her keys in the house. So you see, it was inescapable. She simple had to oh back into the house was waiting to hit her. Fortunately for Marrissa, while she didnt have her keys, but she did have her GUN. She goes back into the house retreated her keys so she could leave. Its at this point that Marrissa claims that her husband was standing in the kitchen and stated the words Im going to kill you Now if this sounds odd to you , then you are not alone. If Mr. Gray was so bent on attacking his wife , why didnt he follow her into the garage? Why stand in the kitchen like some figure from a video game who cant follow a victim into the next room? For a guy trying to harm someone , he sure wasnt trying hard. But Marrissa sure was. She further then states that her husband started attacking her in the middle of the kitchen. As he reached to hit her , she fired a bullet that traveled through the kitchen wall and into the ceiling in the living room. Ms Alexander, claims she was complying with the Florida stand Your ground law. Any that was all she was doing. Standing her ground. The problem with her storybook is one thing. Everything. Suppose she was under attack. The house had three other doors wide open but she chose the garage door where her car was. And where her gun was lodged. Surprisingly, when the police showed up. The garage door was also working just fine. The only person who claim the garage door didnt open is the one who needed a reason to go back into the house an fire a gun. People are banding around this woman claiming that she fired a warning short. Its untrue. Not once did she attest to this. The investigation show she fired squarely at her husbands head. Luckily, the billet missed him and went into the creaking and then into the next room. The bullet didnt go into the ceiling because she was aiming for it. She was shooting to kill. She did this when he had his 12 year child standing next to him. She nearly killed a 12 year child. At this point, Gray ran from the house and called 911. Finally , while she claimed she feared for her life , she never called 911. It was her husband who did. She stayed in the house and the police found her calm and sleep in the bed. She never called anyone for the help. Lets get something clear, Zimmerman never used stand your ground. He simply claimed self defense. Marissa does not qualify for standing her ground. Had she shot her in the bathroom who she was contributed of if Gray had followed her to the garage, she might have leg to stand on. She really doesnt have a leg to stand on
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 00:46:25 +0000

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