The Republican Party really needs to do a better job with getting - TopicsExpress


The Republican Party really needs to do a better job with getting out their message. They should be mobilizing every conservative in the nation. Put thousands of conservatives outside the headquarters of all the major networks. Mobilize, mobilize, mobilize! Where are the press conferences packed with small business owners facing economic troubles? Where are the commercials featuring regular Americans whove lost their insurance coverage? Why doesnt the RNC have folks marching in the streets? Why arent Republican lawmakers camped out in their offices with sleeping bags? And even thought Harry Reid refused to call the Senate into session today - every Republican Senator shouldve shown up for work anyway. But I suspect the lackluster effort is because most of our Republican leadership cant stand conservatives. And at the end of the day -- I believe Boehner and McConnell will do what they do best -- bow to Obama.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 22:31:24 +0000

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