The Response: Baton Rouge January 24, 2015 A Day of Prayer You - TopicsExpress


The Response: Baton Rouge January 24, 2015 A Day of Prayer You can register at theresponsela WEEK 2 A Call to Declaration! DAY 11 God as Savior For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11 While the world seems to be spiraling downward physically, financially, politically and even spiritually, the public outcry has begun for a new leader to set us on the right path; someone with courage, wisdom and integrity to incorporate a new strategy for current conditions in order to save us from destruction and despair. But change is only temporary when based on a foundation of human directives. God, the supreme architect of our universe, knew when He was forming his creation from clay that Adam would choose disobedience and sever our relationship with Him. Yet in His indescribable love, He did not discard His masterpiece of humanity. He continued on, knowing He had the perfect plan to save us from our fallen state back to the relationship we needed for eternal and abundant life. He would send His only Son to pay the price for our sins. This is the gospel; our Savior has come and His name is Jesus. We dont need a new Savior. We need revival, a call to repentance, not just for change, but also for new life. Jesus completed the job and declared, It is finished from the cross. (John 19:30) We need to declare Him as Savior to those who are perishing, that they too may know him as Savior and Deliverer. RESPOND Reading scripture daily is essential to feed your spirit. Consider reading Pauls letter to the Romans, it is an excellent book that focuses on the saving grace of Jesus Christ. It will refresh your soul with the understanding that salvation is not based on your own works, but on your faith in Christ. The truths you read will remove the stress of self-sufficiency, anxiety, guilt, pride and perfectionism. Instead, your spirit will rejoice and reflect on the unfathomable love of Almighty God. As you begin to thank Him for His sacrifice on the cross and victory over death, The Holy Spirit may give you opportunities to share the gospel with others. Look for opportunities to share Gods truth and love with others. If you have to, use words. REPENT Is Jesus Lord of ALL your life? Romans 10:9 says, If you declare with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. That word believe in the Greek means total trust. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you any area of your live that has not been surrendered to the Lord. Take a moment to repent and then lay that area at His feet. The issue is trust, do you trust the Jesus with that area of your life? PRAY Total Surrender: Jesus I give you my life, ALL of it. I trust you and believe that you are for me and not against me. Salvation for others: Father, I pray for all those who are hearing Your Word today. I bind the enemy from blinding them to the gospel in Jesus name. I pray they hear Your Word with clarity, repent of their sin, and surrender their life to your lordship. I pray you will place them in a disciple making church where they can grow and mature in the knowledge of you and find community Lord, I ask for opportunities to share Your love with others as You lead me. WORSHIP Declare His Name and thank Him for who He is and what He has done for you! I, even I, am The Lord and apart from me, there is no Savior. Isaiah 43:11
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 13:01:08 +0000

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