The Rhythm of the Synod Faith Notes from the Stated Meeting of - TopicsExpress


The Rhythm of the Synod Faith Notes from the Stated Meeting of the Synod of the Trinity Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Penn Stater Conference Center Hotel in State College, Pennsylvania June 10-11, 2013 On June 10 – 11 the Synod met at the Penn Stater Conference Center Hotel. As advertised, this Synod meeting was like no other previous meeting of the Synod. Worship and small group discussions dominated the time for the commissioners, visitors and staff. The flow of the meeting centered on Abram’s journey (Genesis 12:1-9). As Abram’s journey went by stages, from one point to another, so the synod meeting went by stages from business to worship, from small group table discussions to plenary, from a meeting setting to gathering around a "camp fire." Warren Cooper served as the meeting facilitator and worship leader. The thematic scripture was read from various translations and in various voices. Warren’s enthusiastic presence and music enabled energetic and spirit filled worship and transition from one stage of the journey to another. Another factor in making this a different kind of meeting was the presence of colleagues from the Synods of the Northeast and the Covenant. The Synod of the Covenant was represented by: Raafat Zaki, Transitional Executive, Raafat’s daughter Hanan Zaki, David Bartley, Stated Clerk & Treasurer and Russell Brandt, Moderator. The Synod of the Northeast was represented by Harold Delhagen, Transitional Leader. These guests were invited to open communication and relationships with neighboring regional mission partners in anticipation of the changing nature of synods which may be recommended to the next meeting of the General Assembly by the Mid-Council Commission. The Synod Leadership Team, responding to what they heard from meetings with presbytery leadership groups the previous several months, recommended four priorities to guide the life and mission of the Synod as we journey into the future to which God is calling us. The four priorities are: Connection/Partnership: Action steps may include: communication, consultation and coaching, mentoring, networking, disaster response. Learning Together: Action steps may include: Synod Big Tent (celebration!), Various opportunities with specific topical emphasis, eg: building trust, justice, evangelism, stewardship, racial ethnic, spiritual development, children and youth, leader training. Incarnational Ministry: Action steps may include: missional church, mission action, 1001 worshipping communities. Engaging a Larger Picture: Action steps may include: challenging with new ideas, brokering best practices, partnering with presbyteries for leadership transitions, structural review, strategic decisions and consultative services. Participants later gathered in self-selected small groups around each of the four priorities to consider and suggest ways each of the priorities be brought to life as we continue our journey. The Synod was blessed by the presence of The Rev. Neal Presa, Moderator of the 220th General Assembly. Neal has been very active serving as an ambassador of the PC(USA) traveling extensively among the presbyteries and internationally strengthening our mission partnerships. Neal addressed the Synod calling us to be an Easter people in a Good Friday world. The Church has a message of hope which is critically needed in the midst of all the news and experiences of hopelessness in the world. Actions taken by the Synod were: A. To designate the offering to be taken during the worship for Presbyterian Disaster Assistance relief efforts following the Oklahoma Tornados. B. Approved the report of the Nominating Committee in electing members to the following positions : a. Grants and Scholarships Committee Christopher Sanner, Ruling Elder, Washington Presbytery, Class 2013 - first term b. Nominating Committee i. Graham Robinson, Teaching Elder, Philadelphia Presbytery, Class of 2013 ii. Myrtle McCall, Teaching Elder, Carlisle Presbytery, Class of 2014 C. Affirmed the work of the Synod Leadership Team in presenting the four priorities. D. Approved the 2014 Per Capita amount of $2.20. E. Approved a change in the position description of the Synod Associate Executive, Susan Wonderland, to include, Will provide 10 hours of professional coaching to leaders within the bounds of the Synod each month at their request. F. Voted to extend indefinitely the service of Wayne Yost as acting stated clerk in light of Lesley Shoup’s continued medical leave. Following worship, which included the Eucharistic Celebration, the Synod gathering adjourned until the 2013 Fall Stated Meeting which is slated for October 28-29, beginning at 1:00 pm on the 28th. Location will be the Penn Stater Conference Center and Hotel in State College, PA Yours in Service to Christ and the Church, The Rev. Dr. Wayne A. Yost Interim Stated Clerk [email protected]
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 17:05:46 +0000

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