The Right relationships. Stay away from negative - TopicsExpress


The Right relationships. Stay away from negative people. Look around you today and take note of all the people around you. Are they building you up or bringing you down? Is there anyone around you that constantly says negative things at any positive approach you have? Negative people are to positive people what water is to fire. They will snuff out your fire and retard your progress. The people you associate with have a deep effect on your future. You must stay far away from anyone that does not help you grow. It may be a painful decision, but you must do it if you want to be successful. No relationship leaves you the same way; every relationship either makes you better or makes you worse. Find new people whose achievements or lifestyles you admire and make an effort to learn from them. Try to meet new people that will encourage and increase your relationship with God. However, some people complain that they can’t get in contact with the people they admire and want to learn from. Are you looking for the right relationships and you don’t know how to connect with them? One of the best ways to get the right friends or to get into the right relationships is by reading. There are thousands of great men and women who have written millions of books that can help you to grow and be the person you want to be. Read their books, buy their tapes and watch their videos. You don’t have to meet them in order for them to influence you positively. They have compressed decades of experience and knowledge into their books. Proverbs 13:20 of the New Living Translation says, “Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.” Wrong association will always get you into trouble while the right association will always make you wise. You are blessed.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 06:25:05 +0000

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