The STAR OF BETHLEHEM, the Lawless and the Lesser Light The UNs - TopicsExpress


The STAR OF BETHLEHEM, the Lawless and the Lesser Light The UNs Sunni Day and the Black Cube of Saturn Im going to attempt to link a few things via one person, one person identified by many things .. whose reign was marked by an astronomical event that mirrored that of our Saviour Messiahs birth .. the 1st half of this is now common-knowledge but its inclusion will become clear by the 2nd half .. at the heart of the UN Headquarters in New York is the Prayer Room inside of which sits a sculpture of a BLACK CUBE and a solitary bench at the heart of Mecca sits a BLACK CUBE Saturn is identified with a BLACK CUBE having a hexagon shaped pole so we have the UN, ISLAM and SATURN all associated with the BLACK CUBE the UN will now fulfill its role 24th Sept 2014 the UN held a Security Council Chaired by obama obama = sunni (obvious from the idiom of his logo = sunny day) muslim subject of UN Council = Peace & Security and the ISLAMIC state of Iraq & Syria (ISIS) - or - ISLAMIC state of Iraq & Levant (ISIL) as obama calls them and for that matter, this Security Council calls them - Levant = Israel, so he is declaring over the UN, the Islamic State of Iraq and Israel) obama trounces US Constitution by becoming the 1st POTUS to Chair a UN Security Council (according to the Constitution, no residing POTUS may head a non-American governing body - the US Ambassador to the UN would normally take the gavel) obama = Lawless One (which I will prove without doubt) So, we have, UN = Black Cube in Prayer Room ISLAM = Black cube at Mecca obama = Sunni Muslim Charing UN, logo = Sunni day All of the above points to something of grave concern for the Watchmen of Christendom BUT all will become much clearer and graver by the end of this Revelation .. did you catch the book and/or the movie THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM in which the presenter demonstrates how, by using a program such as Stellarium (which calculates the relative positions of heavenly objects past, present and future), he was able to search the skies circa.1 AD for an astronomical event over the Holy Lands which was significant enough to perhaps be the object which led the Maggi to the King of Kings birth .. miraculously he found one such event in 3BC, the KING STAR, Regulus, in the constellation of LEO (Lion of Judah) was in conjunction with the KING PLANET, Jupiter, for an 80min window, during which time, Jupiter went into retrograde motion which kept it lingering extremely brightly in the Heavens, a sight not seen since then nor in the foreseeable future If indeed GOD used the KING STAR to identify Messiah at His birth, could He in fact use a similar sign to identify His number one enemy in the End Times to those obediently looking up to the Heavens for such a sign? Yes! and whats more .. He used the same object, just to be sure ... heres what ties all the above together, a dark, ominous sign, which left the Heavens without its KING OF KINGS - the KING STAR, Regulus .. On the 20th March 2014, there was an ultra-rare astronomical event, on a par with that of 3 BC the KING STAR, Regulus, in LEO, was blocked out completely by a rogue asteroid, a sight never before witnessed by man ... this on its own was pretty spectacular but, thats not all ... on the same night, Saturn (planet satan of the BLACK CUBE fame) conjoined with the Moon (lesser light) in the constellation of Libra (Scales of Justice) magnifying satans light 50-fold, tipping the scales totally in the favour of evil on a night already darkened by the effective blocking-out of Messiah, the KING STAR .. so, how do we use this incredible sign in the Heavens to identify person or persons below? We simply scan the media .. where lo and behold we find ... 7 days later (7 being indicative of Gods perfection) obama met pope francis for the 1st time at the vatican, joining hands on the steps .. an event double-identified by his links to the BLACK CUBE and thus SATURN therefore, it is my firm belief that all the above proves without a shadow of a doubt the identity of the antichrist, OBAMA - AND - the false prophet (lesser light of the Moon) POPE FRANCIS ... this event marked the beginning of his spiritual reign, the pope being the new spiritual leader of the world but, if that wasnt enough, tying both of these men together spiritually and religiously, obama became the 1st POTUS to read from the KORAN in the White House earlier on in his presidency, the pope matched this by becoming the 1st pontiff to read from the KORAN during Sunday Mass at the Vatican yesterday, 28th Sept 2014 Since the meeting between the two on the 27th March this year, the World has truly spun into chaos and following the recent UN Council Hearing ... expect more Friends .. it is truly time for the Lord to call His Brides name and lead Her to a place of safety ~ Paralambano ~ brothers & sisters in Him whom we love like no other .. I thank Him greatly for this revelation which has gladdened and quickened my soul beyond measure Linda FS Stephen Paul Yelisa van der Bij Matthew Lopez Dave Rice Dave Kuehne Kelly Isinthekitchen Howard Sonya Beatty Sharp Bella Orsi
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 01:09:53 +0000

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