The Salvation Plan Choice not chance was how we and our World - TopicsExpress


The Salvation Plan Choice not chance was how we and our World came to be, God chose to speak the words that created us you see. God said any disobedience of His Laws would be known as sin, Adam and Eve were the first on the road to perdition to begin. God declared the outcome of sin and its eventual cost, then He chose to create Salvation by death on a cross. Not just anyone at all dying would be sufficient you see, it had to be one who obeyed God’s laws perfectly. God knew no one born of man was capable of this special task, so He sent His Son to offer life to all who’d eventually ask. Suffering such unmitigated pain wasn’t something Jesus longed to do, but He chose to do His Father’s will to save the likes of me and you. He chose to go willingly to the cross so that we might live eternally, but unless we accept what He offers it will never be. Unless we believe in our heart and speak it with our tongue, you’ll be giving into the Devil “your soul he’ll have won”. The pain Jesus suffered the torment He had to endure, was to offer each of us life forevermore. Our sins are forgiven our slate is wiped as clean as can be, which means we get live with Jesus eternally. But; if on the other hand we refuse to accept what is so lovingly given, it is an eternity of torment and anguish we’ll be living. Now this World is filled with temptations some terribly hard to resist, but God so loves each of us He’ll never insist. Therefore He’s offering each of us this important choice to make, whether it’s eternal life with Him or eternal torment we’ll take. The Bible tells us that Jesus is returning for His own very soon, it could be a week or a year or perhaps this afternoon. Won’t you take a moment to ask Jesus into your heart, the very instant you do the changes within will start. Then God can use you too to reach out to your fellow man, offering each of them to take part in the Salvation Plan! It’s a choice my precious friend that only you can make, and to ignore it today may be an eternal mistake. God has chosen to give us the time needed to understand, that it up to each of us to choose to accept His plan. Today may be the last chance that you have to choose, please accept your Salvation you’ve nothing to lose! December 9, 2011 Barbara Philbrook Thanks Mags AT CHRISTMASTIME By Anne R. C. Neale The hustle and bustle of Christmas preparation. Buying gifts and decorating the house and buying food too, Makes the Spirit of Christmas a happy occasion, And the happiness radiates from within you. You have an expectation of a New Year coming A new year makes you one year older you see, In the Fall there is a period of Winter with its cold and storms, When the doldrums set in and you are not very happy. You must adjust to each season, and each day, Nothing ever seems to stay the same, There is only One that is always Loving, Righteous and Just, And never changes and that is God Almighty, His Holy name. So at Christmas time when there is a lot of rushing And a lot of stress buying gifts for family and friends, Slow down, try to really enjoy the Christmas season, Each Christmas you only live once, so enjoy each one, Amen. Thanks Linda Read | Deuteronomy 31:1-8 Have you ever faced a challenge that left you feeling inadequate and afraid? The great men and women in the Bible weren’t superhuman, so they undoubtedly experienced the same weaknesses we do. Though Joshua was a strong military leader, he probably felt inadequate to fill Moses’ shoes. After all, Moses had talked with God face to face, performed amazing miracles, and led the Israelites out of Egyptian bondage. How could Joshua ever expect to live up to that? But remember, Moses didn’t start out as a mighty man of faith. When God first called him to deliver the children of Israel, he focused on his own inadequacy and begged the Lord to send someone else (Ex. 4:10-13). I think Moses knew exactly how Joshua felt. That’s why he exhorted his successor to be strong and courageous. However, the strength Joshua needed was not going to come from positive thinking or puffed up self-confidence. What he needed was assurance that the Lord would go ahead of him every step of the way and give the nation the land as promised. Confidence for God-given challenges never comes from within ourselves. But when we believe Him and rely on His Word instead of our feelings, He’ll give us the ability and courage to accomplish His will. If your life were always easy, you’d never need strength and courage. But then you would miss great opportunities to get to know God intimately. Only as we face one faith-stretching challenge after another and experience God’s faithfulness will we learn to depend on Him instead of ourselves. Charles Stanley
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 14:04:40 +0000

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