The Schizoid Parallel Universe, in Which Hayden Inhabits In - TopicsExpress


The Schizoid Parallel Universe, in Which Hayden Inhabits In this disturbing exchange, we see former head of the NSA, General Michael Hayden, argue with reporter Jonathan Landay that the words probable cause are not found in the Fourth Amendment. This may be true, in the schizoid parallel universe, in which Hayden inhabits. But let it be known, that the language of the true-blue 4th Amendment DOES include the requirement of probable cause for any unreasonable search and seizure, which includes the dragnet capture and storage of all Americans digital communications and trifling transactions, in addition to the same of many non-Americans by an entity of the US Government. HERE Is the 4th Amendment, in Its Entirety: THE 4TH AMENDMENT THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO BE SECURE IN THEIR PERSONS, HOUSES, PAPERS AND EFFECTS AGAINST UNREASONABLE SEARCHES AND SEIZURES SHALL NOT BE VIOLATED, AND NO WARRANTS SHALL ISSUE BUT UPON ***PROBABLE CAUSE***, SUPPOSED BY OATH OF AFFIRMATION, AND PARTICULARLY DESCRIBING THE PLACE TO BE SEARCHED, AND PARTICULARLY THE PERSONS OR THINGS TO BE SEIZED. None of which the NSAs dragnet PRISM system is upholding, in any way, shape or form - they are simply availing themselves of EVERYTHING - and the founding laws and principles of the US Government, be damned! - See more at: forbiddenknowledgetv/videos/patriot-act--ndaa/michael-hayden-probable-cause-is-not-in-the-4th-amendment.html#sthash.Az4QMkou.dpuf
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 13:07:48 +0000

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