The Secret of Intercession: You are stunned at His view of the - TopicsExpress


The Secret of Intercession: You are stunned at His view of the world, His view of humanity, His view of you. Wrapped in Him, seated upon the Seat of Mercy within the veil, everything is radically different. Your vision is now from a completely different realm. It is as though He has given you different eyes. Everything is exactly the same as it was, yet it is totally different. Its perspective is otherworldly, clearly from His eyes, no, His heart. You are speechless and awestruck. The outer man can no longer hide his pain, his fear. As you look with shock and utter disbelief, you mutter almost to yourself, “There is no fig leaf thick enough to hide the depth of man’s utter depravity.” The totality of man’s barrenness is greater than you could ever have imagined. Your own barrenness now reaches its full impact. You begin to see that your best human efforts cannot even be seen from His Seat of Mercy. You worship Him in new and fervent appreciation of His complete and unconditional love as you understand that only His shed blood has given you access to Him and only His living blood maintains you. “How can this be?” you marvel in unbelief. “How can His love be so merciful, so patient, so compassionate?” From your place on the Mercy Seat, you look back through the Holy Place and then the Outer Court into the sea of humanity. Your heart compels you to go and tell everyone of this most wonderful realm of fellowship with Jesus. But you cannot move. Though your heart compels you, His Presence restrains you. The Lord says to you, “My son, for you there shall no longer be a going back and forth into My Presence. There shall be a flowing, continuous, persistent swelling of My life unto the people for whom you pray.” You can no longer focus on yourself as a point of need. Now you have seen Him and have understood that He holds you in the palm of His hand. In the shadow of His wings you will sing for joy. For the Lord is your Helper. He knows what you need. He has clothed the lilies, fed the birds of the air and watered the earth by His eternal love. How shall He not do much more for you, who dwell in unapproachable light within the veil? Now you are compelled by the same love and mercy that moved the Lord Jesus to make His ultimate sacrifice. As you see Him minister to the world from within the veil, you find yourself ministering and interceding before the Father on behalf of the needs you see. You have forgotten about yourself; you are totally consumed in Him. You ask Him fewer and fewer questions as His life and His ways continue to increase in you. It is no wonder that your own ways continue to decrease. You are a vessel, you see that now; one through whom the Lord Jesus does His work. You are one through whom He flows most freely. You are no longer opinionated, no longer giving advice or questioning His bidding. You are but responding to the Lord, who is ever increasing in your life. Thoughts of your own reputation vanish as you respond and pray for those to whom you would never expose yourself. The old resisting voices that have always hindered you and held you back are but a clouded memory. You do the Master’s bidding in prayer. The manna is not falling from Heaven anymore, for it is now welling up within your innermost being. You have taken your place as part of the Bread broken so that life may come forth. Compassion constrains you to pray and pray some more. You feel as though you should physically step out and make something happen. But you realize that He does not need your arm of flesh; He needs only your personal will aligning with His and your spirit submitting to His. Now your heart, that once beat only for Him, is beating with Him for His Church and for those who call upon Him for help. You have become a co-laborer with Jesus Christ. You are in sync with His love and in tune with His purposes. Your desires are becoming His desires; your motivation, His motivation and your joy, His joy. “Come up hither!” you cry out to the Church. “Come up where He is, where there is no striving, but only flourishing life.” Your prayers intensify as you cry out, “Come up hither, where there is no more going out of the camp to gather bread for the day. Come to the place where you become one with this eternal Bread, broken yet glorified for His sake and to fulfill His purposes. Come up hither, where there is no more struggling for approval but only flowing with Him who has loved you from the beginning.” You have discovered the secret of intercession and prayer. You have entered His rest. His life now freely flows through you, a yielded vessel. You do not make lives change; He does. You cannot convince the mind or soften the heart; only He can. You cannot heal the brokenhearted or free the prisoner; only He has that power. You have become an eternal motivator. You see need, brokenness, heartache and despair. You see pain and suffering. You see the lost masses of humanity teeming with insecurity and hopelessness. Like the prophet of old, you offer yourself with passionate resolve: “Here am I, Lord. Send me.” You begin to think His thoughts, dream His dreams, love with His love, heal with His life. You are moved by His emotion, and you minister by His power for His purposes. So you become smaller and smaller, crying out night and day for God’s love to subdue the earth. Like Jesus, you pray again and again, “Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” Like one who knows he is personally and utterly cared for, you continue to respond and act, not taking into account what man will think or whether man will approve. You are already approved, and He is bidding you go on. You will not insult your Lord with thoughts about His intention toward you. How could His intention be anything different than what He has just demonstrated to you? How could He forget you as you sit, sharing in His unapproachable light? Like His eyes, your eyes now go to and fro over the land as you pray and respond, intercede and minister from within the veil. Your life is not your own. It belongs to Him who purchased it with the blood of His Son. As you become accustomed to His life and to experiencing life from His perspective, you discover a strange absence. Although the Most Holy Place is very active and full of powerful worship and splendor, there seems to be a lack of traditional spiritual warfare activities. Surprised at this, you look around, only to discover that all is in divine order here. There is nothing out of Lordship, nothing rebellious. There is no war; there is nothing to go to war over. For here is eternal and divine harmony. You are beginning to discover yet another secret, the secret of spiritual warfare. Don Nori ....Secrets of the Most Holy Place
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 23:19:45 +0000

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