The Senate today passed a procedural measure that will limit - TopicsExpress


The Senate today passed a procedural measure that will limit debate time as it begins to consider H.J.Res. 59, the FY 2014 Continuing Resolution. The Senate today passed a procedural measure (cloture) that will limit debate time as it begins to consider H.J.Res. 59, the FY 2014 Continuing Resolution (CR). The measure, which needed 60 votes, passed unanimously, 100 to 0. The Senate now will debate for up to 30 hours and may then need to consider a second procedural (cloture) vote to again limit debate before it can take final action on the CR. These procedural efforts may be needed to prevent some Senators from delaying votes on the CR because they want to ensure that a provision in the CR to defund Obamacare remains in the final bill. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has indicated that once these procedural hurdles are overcome, he will move to take out the Obamacare defunding provision and a provision that would prioritize payments in the event the debt ceiling is breached that were included in the House-passed bill. He will also propose to shorten the duration of the CR from December 15, 2013 to November 15, 2013. It is likely that those proposals will prevail. It is still uncertain when the Senate will be able to complete action and send a CR back to the House for further consideration. As you know, government funding will run out at midnight on Monday, September 30th. NTEU continues to fight for increased agency funding for FY 2014, an end to the sequester and swift Congressional action to avoid a government shutdown. For more information about the shutdown visit NTEU’s Government Shutdown page. To see what you can do to help click here. Colleen M. Kelley National President
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 08:21:59 +0000

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