The Senate wants to hear from you! Right now, the Senate is - TopicsExpress


The Senate wants to hear from you! Right now, the Senate is calling for public submissions into the Governments harsh budget cuts to the age pension, Newstart, the Disability Support Pension and Family Tax Benefits. The Senators trying to stop these devastating cuts have told us how important personal stories are to winning the fight. Will you share your story now to give our Senators the anecdotal evidence they need to stop these unfair Budget measures from taking effect? Making a submission is easy! There is no wrong way to do it, but here are some tips to get you started: Introduce yourself -- the most powerful stories are those that paint a compelling picture of the person involved. Who you are? Where you live? What do you do? Explain which of the social services payment you receive, or received -- How long did you receive them for? And for what reason? Tell us what difference this support made to your quality of life -- Was it helpful? Were you still struggling? What effect did it have on your daily life? Explain how a reduction in these support payments will (or would have) impacted your life -- What would you have to sacrifice? How would it affect your family? How would your life be different? Remember to be polite! Many of these Senators are already on our side, but our stories are crucial for building the case to block the cuts to these vital social services once and for all.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 09:30:10 +0000

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