The Senators had just declared a war against the people. They are - TopicsExpress


The Senators had just declared a war against the people. They are saying in essence that they are above the Law while they abuse the fundamental rights of Nigerians and in the process squander the wealth and resources entrusted on them. Every single Senator who voted in support of the madness does not deserve another term and should be rejected at the polls in 2015, if theres any. They have just shot themselves in the feet and any President that eventually sign the nonsense into Law should be shown the road out of office. It makes no sense. Its insulting; its arrogant; and grossly irresponsible. These folks must be smoking something behind closed doors. Its essentially putting the people they represent that they cannot be held accountable for whatever they do! Whos going to buy that in such a social contract? It may be time to start finding another system of governance for Nigeria. This American system is definitely not working or functioning in Nigeria. Its too exclusive and poverty driven. It doesnt fit our societal structure, design, customs and traditions. The American culture is far different from the Nigerians. We must find and cultivate whats best for ours and not whats great for them. This singular action speaks bundles. Can anyone imagine an American Senator dare propose such a Bill for immunity and get away with it? Only in Nigeria or should I say Africa would such foolishness be heralded. It creates big monsters and mockery of the intended checks and balances required for the efficacy of democratic representation. Nigerians always circumvent those principles that would promote progress, Justice and equity in any system. Those Senators are definitely not about nothing but th we Senators themselves. One would expect our constitutional lawyers and activists to jump out of their holes and holower at the Senators for daring. But would they in the environment where only money talks? We shall see. On Independent candidacy, its about time. I first proposed that in 1993 when I was interested in vying for the presidency. And what about the Diaspora Voting we also advocated as far back as 2001, again when I aspired for another public office, which was promised since the past three cycles? Some folks must be afraid of the Diaspora Vote. Lets the Chambers pass the Appropriations for that. Other countries, including the United States, Europeans and several Africans allow it! Just my take! (Unedited - smartphone stuff!)+
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 16:25:35 +0000

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