The Seven Nations - Hivites Lesson Six The meaning of the name = - TopicsExpress


The Seven Nations - Hivites Lesson Six The meaning of the name = Villagers The Hivite spirit is the way of the world, which promotes pleasures and prosperity at the expense of eternal values. Because of this desire for pleasure and satisfaction, Hivite believers become people who only go after things that are soft, comfortable and soothing. This "effeminate" tendency makes them useless in the spiritual battlefield. Hivite believers are self-centered, only think of themselves, and have turned God into their private waiter, a God who is there to satisfy every desire of their spoiled hearts. Impulsive, unwarlike, the Gibeonites were Hivites, (Joshua 9:7). Hivites like to make covenants birthed out of convenience of the soul, as opposed to conviction of the Spirit. They live in deception, have few ambitions and limit their vision to merely enjoying wealth and fame built up by their parents or by themselves. They spend their entire life aimlessly wandering, seeking the latest cell phone, the latest computer, the latest book........ chasing materialism. One of the problems faced by Christians and the church today.... the effect of co-existing with the Hivite spirit....... is that Christians have become so rich in the world but so poor in the things of God. How does this show itself in the world today? One of the areas we can see this very clearly is in what we call arts and entertainment. What are we watching and listening to in our homes and workplace. Lyrics and sermons, slightly changed (compromised) as not to offend the world. There are many examples, I am sure you can add more. It is..... What feeds the flesh vs What feeds the Spirit Sitcoms create the new normal vs Father knows best Redefines perversion as normal vs Pervision is sin Alternative lifestyle seen as equal choice vs Traditional family revered Shows male/fathers/christians as idiots vs Restoring the patriarchy Children are a nuisance vs Children are a blessing! What is the government and media trying to get people believe through deception? Two more lessons in this series, the Jebusites and the Conclusion and Application. A teaser for the Jebusites, they are "threshers," they have no problem making people feel small and are social enforcers. They like to run over you like a "chariot of iron" in battle and then :-) about it.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 17:12:15 +0000

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