The Sick Bay Rangers log. Today started at the run. Mr Trott - TopicsExpress


The Sick Bay Rangers log. Today started at the run. Mr Trott shook me at four bells in the morning watch. I only just had time to stow me ammock before we were at it. The captains return last night seems to have put all onboard on edge. Nothing has been said but the mass of ships and all the busyness in the moorings has made everyones imagination run off at speed. Mr Trott has sworn me to secrecy on the documents we have to copy. Its new signal codes and such. Every officer has to have and memorise a copy. Mr Trott be writing out battle orders from Lord Nelson. Just before dinner the first lieutenant came to the cuddy and told me to change into my best rig and to stand bye to go ashore with him. Mr Trott told me to smack it about and get cracking. I have to take my writing gear with me and close up at the side ready for transfer ashore. Well it be a while for me to realise what was going on. Ive never been treated like this afore. We takes off in the captains boat and shoots across the harbour to the Victory. We is up the side and inboard as quick as you likes. Then before I gets a look around we is rushed aft into Lord Nelsons quarters. The first be a talking ten to the dozen with captain Hardy. One of the senior officers gives me a sheet of paper and tells me to copy it out quick as you likes, e says. Then the door to Lord Nelsons quarters opens and out he strides. Captain Hardy introduces the first to his lordship and they has a chin wag. I is scribbling away like a good un trying to get the copy finished right quick. Suddenly his lordship be a standing over me and I jumps up and knuckles right quick. I aint never met a lord before and he got me all a dither. Your first lieutenant tells me how you protected him ashore here in Gibraltar. That be a brave move for e, a pressed man. You be the kind of tar I be blessed to have serving with me. I be told you be an able seamen but are now a scribe. I think we can do better than that. Ill talk to your captain but I think you will find yourself a petty officer if he be agreeing. I managed to mutter a thank you and again knuckled me forehead in salute. With that his lordship goes back into his quarters. Captain Hardy and the first be a grinning at me and I cant think proper like until the lieutenant what gave me the copying tells me to stop lolly gagging and get on with me duties. After I was all finished we went back to the captains boat and were rowed back to our ship. I was still stunned about what had happened. I went immediately to the cuddy to get on with me duties. Afore long the captain appears at the door. He be a grinning like the first. You have made quite an impression on our Horatio it seems. Im happy to agree with his decision and you are rated petty officer as of this day. I shall have it entered in the log. Well done young man, indeed, well done. With that he leaves me sitting stunned and speechless. Mr Trott comes in beaming and slaps me on the back and says I knew you had it in you. Its gone round the ship like wild fire. Nobody seems to be put out by it. Some even say that the ship is now in the fore front of his lordships mind and that I am a lucky mascot. The day has come to an end and I am still giddy and stunned. Im off to take me pills and potions, check me looks and turn in in me ammock and try to fathom what has happened and become of me. Night night shipmates.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 23:45:06 +0000

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