The Six Patriot US Soliders Who Died While Trying To Find and - TopicsExpress


The Six Patriot US Soliders Who Died While Trying To Find and Rescue Mullah Obamas VA Distraction Named Abdullah Bowe Bergdahl, A Forgotten Marine In a Mexican Prison and Why Dear Leader Has No Problem Unleashing Five Extremely Dangerous Terrorist To Kill More Americans... Its Our Fault For Being Arrogant! First, We must take a minute to salute the six true American heroes who have gotten lost in the story of a traitor who was exchanged for five terrorist or that Obama fails to mention or recognize in any of his self congratulatory speeches or Rose Garden celebrations, American Soldiers: PFC Matthew Martinek, SSG Kurt Curtiss, PFC Morris Walker, SSG Clayton Bowen, 2LT Darryn Andrews, SSG Michael Murphy, who lost their lives looking for a fellow soldier they thought had been kidnapped, but who really betrayed them and his country. May these six heroes RIP and not be forgotten. washingtontimes/news/2014/jun/2/soldiers-killed-trying-to-rescue-bowe-bergdahl-bra/#.U4y1iablZYU.twitter It is almost amusing how Comrade Obama won’t lift one Imperial finger on his scandal ridden hands to free US Marine Andrew Tahmooressi from Mexican authorities (because he made the mistake of getting lost and crossing the Mexican border with loaded guns), a crime that thousands of Mexicans do against the American border on any given month and we reward them with a housing, food and Obamacare, although considering how much free money we shower upon Mexico, a phone call would easily accomplish the job of releasing him. Naaaaaa, let him rot, he hasnt converted to Islam, isnt a traitor to this country, nor is he a terrorist. foxnews/us/2014/05/30/marine-jailed-in-mexico-recounts-harrowing-attempt-to-escape-from-prison/ What is also funny is, that we have somewhere between 11 and 30 million people in our country illegally and thousands more arriving everyday now and overrunning Texas who is shipping the overflow to Arizona, all because of the rumors of Amnesty being touted by King Obama and his magical executive pen and with the help of McRino and the Ball-less Boehner. If any of these elected fools wanted to really be heroes, why not exchange these 11 million plus illegals for Marine Tahmooressi? Naaaaaa, cant do that, the Chamber of Commerce wouldnt get their cheap uneducated slaver labor and democrats wouldnt have their future voting block, plus... some of these illegals may actually be terrorist! Homerun!!! themonitor/news/local/border-patrol-to-fly-immigrants-from-rgv-to-el-paso/article_915f2b38-d604-11e3-91d8-001a4bcf6878.html I mean, Obama is even willing to spend $2,3 Billion (yes, Billion) to reunite Illegal alien youth that are flooding into the country right now, with their Illegal alien parents in the US! And why not, hes not paying for it! dailycaller/2014/06/02/obama-offers-mini-amnesty-to-200000-kids-by-2016/ In contrast, he was willing to take the heat for freeing five of the most dangerous terrorists at GITMO in violation of US policy and US law to get Abdullah Bowe Bergdahl back from the Taliban. Maybe the Administration just finds Abdullah Bergdahl more appealing, after all he did convert to Islam and rumor has it, trained the Taliban on bombmaking. Hell, even CNN’s Liberal Legal Analyst Jonathan Turley said Emperor Obama “Clearly Broke The Law” With Bergdahl Prisoner Swap… mediaite/tv/jeffrey-toobin-obama-clearly-broke-the-law-on-bergdahl/ And what about those five terrorist Mullah Obama just released..... Ready? Taliban Leaders Released By Obama Given Hero’s Welcome After Arriving In Qatar – Update: ABC News: No Signs They Were Guarded Or In Custody… Excellent! Job well done Obama! But here’s a Abdullah Bowe Bergdahl quote that may have actually won over Emperor Obama’s Transformational heart.... “I am ashamed to be an American. And the title of US soldier is just the lie of fools. I am sorry for everything. The horror that is America is disgusting.” nypost/2014/05/31/the-bizarre-tale-of-americas-last-known-pow/ Sounds like Dear Leader Obama addressing the United Nations. Maybe if Abdullah Bergdahl recovers his ability to speak English, (his Islamophile father says Abdullah may only speak Pashto these days and his father would know considering Imam Bob Bergdahl, recited the most frequent phrase in the Koran in the Rose Garden celebration with Mullah Obama: “Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim” ...which means “In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Compassionate.” ) How sweet, two fellow travelers of Muhammad exchanging pleasantries at the White House! And keep in mind once again, his son Abdullah Bergdahl evidently was teaching the Taliban bomb-making skills with which to kill Americans. No wonder Mullah Obama couldnt wait to rush this family to the White House to spike this latest football. Hey, maybe Obama can employ him as a speechwriter. Wait... Jay Carney is leaving! But lets understand something, this White House refuses to call Berdahl what he was, a deserter! Even Obamas State Department siad: Bergdahl Was Not A Deserter, “He Was Detained While In Combat”… Wait, In combat? After he walked off his base without his weapon in the middle of the night. Unpleasant reminder, Abdullah Bergdahl was AWOL when he was captured, assuming that he didn’t join the Taliban voluntarily, which would be consistent with his and many other American turned terrorist ideology. Anyone remember Johnny Taliban? michellemalkin/2008/12/19/no-mercy-for-jihad-johnny/ Even before five top terrorists were unleashed by Mullah Obama against America, too high a price had been paid for Abdullah Bergdahl. Reminder, at least six US soldiers died while searching for Sgt. Abdullah Bergdhal in hostile Taliban territory when he went missing (ran away) in Afghanistan five years ago. Other soldiers aren’t happy about it either. “He walked off,” said another former colleague of Abdullah Bergdahl‘s, Pfc. Jose Baggett, told a media outlet. “He left his guard post. Nobody knows if he defected or he’s a traitor or he was kidnapped.” Many great men lost their lives looking for him. washingtonpost/world/national-security/mixed-reaction-to-bergdahls-recovery-by-service-members-who-consider-him-a-deserter/2014/06/01/3713e3ce-e9c5-11e3-b98c-72cef4a00499_story.html Of course, It would be unfair to suggest that Mullah Obama pulled this stunt just because Abdullah Bergdahl is a likeminded Islam sympathizer, or to provide what Mullah Omar called a “big victory” for the Taliban. But like always, the most pressing item on Obama’s agenda is always his own personal political fortune and distracting from one of several scandals at any given time, all while trying to figure out what to do next to undermine this country from the inside out. But this from The Hills Website shows you just how cunning Our Dear Leader is: Bowe Bergdahl’s release bumps VA scandal from political spotlight. thehill/policy/defense/207856-bergdahl-bumps-va-from-spotlight The media really has its work cut out for it, trying to convince Americans that Emperor Obama is a fit Commander in Chief on the grounds that even if he lets veterans die of treatable diseases on secret government healthcare waiting lists, at least he is willing to free five top terrorists in exchange for a deserter. But as weve already seen, if people could be duped into voting for Obama in the first place and then a second time, anything is possible. Due to the five terrorists Obama illegally freed from Gitmo, The six real heroes pictured won’t be the last Americans to die because of Abdullah Bergdahl. Once again, saluting the six true American heroes that Obama fails to mention or reconize: PFC Matthew Martinek, SSG Kurt Curtiss, PFC Morris Walker, SSG Clayton Bowen, 2LT Darryn Andrews, SSG Michael Murphy. RIP. thedailybeast/articles/2014/06/02/we-lost-soldiers-in-the-hunt-for-bergdahl-a-guy-who-walked-off-in-the-dead-of-night.html It appears unlikely that Abdulla Bergdahl will face any real consequences from the military, despite the enormous cost of his desertion. Similarly, there is not much hope that Obama will face treason charges for freeing the terrorists. After all, as weve become more than aware of by now, for one to criticize any of Emperor Obamas wrong doings will only make you... A Racist!
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 10:12:46 +0000

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