The Soul Shop of Marriage Several months ago, I read an - TopicsExpress


The Soul Shop of Marriage Several months ago, I read an interesting article in Scientific American. According to this writer, the reason America will always lead the world in innovation and creativity is—get this—America has garages! More than most countries, American homes have a place where people can go and tinker. Think about it, Reader’s Digest, Hewlett-Packard, and Apple were all created in garages. People need a place to go tinker on things. But where do we go to “tinker” on ourselves? One of the purposes of marriage is to give a husband and wife a safe place to work on their soul issues. The marriage relationship should be a safe place where we can ask the hard questions, then think through our answers in the safe place of unconditional love and honest feedback. (Let’s face it, sometimes we can’t see ourselves as we really are). In these honest conversations, we can better understand why we see the world as we do and why we react to certain situations the way we do. We can check our behavior against the feedback of a loving spouse. I know for me, if I need to think through something or work on something in myself, there’s no one I trust more with me than Jeannie. She knows me—good and bad—like no one else. A conversation with her, spoken in the security of knowing she loves me no matter what, is worth years of counseling to me. I hope you’ll give your spouse one of the greatest gifts you can give them: a safe place to tinker on their souls.
Posted on: Wed, 07 May 2014 18:42:01 +0000

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