The Soul The Bible describes the creation of man in Genesis - TopicsExpress


The Soul The Bible describes the creation of man in Genesis chapter 2: “God formed man of dust from the ground (the body was created), and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life (he received a spirit); and man became a living soul (the spirit and body together became a soul).” (Gen.2:7) To quote Andrew Murray, “The spirit quickening the body made man a living soul, a living person with the consciousness of himself. The soul was the meeting-place, the point of union between the body and spirit. Through the body, man, the living soul, stood related to the external world of sense; could influence it, or be influenced by it. Through the spirit he stood related to the spiritual world and the Spirit of God, whence he had his origin; could be the recipient and the minister of its life and power. Standing thus midway between two worlds, belonging to both, the soul had the power of determining itself, of choosing or refusing the objects by which it was surrounded, and to which it stood related.” Our spirit is what links us consciously to God, our body is what links us to the physical world, and our soul is the connector between the two. It is what gives us our conscious awareness of ourselves. The soul is the meeting place and communication juncture between the physical and spiritual worlds. Whichever world the soul is most aware of, that is the world that the mind is generally focused on. Input from that world is received in the brain and acted upon by the mind, will and emotions. Input from the other world is largely ignored. Most of us are bombarded continually by noise from the physical world which drowns out the things that are going on the spiritual world. By over-exposure to TV, radio, computers, and other forms of entertainment that create a backdrop of information our mind must focus on, we become desensitized to input coming from the spiritual world. Since we are always having experiences in the spiritual world, the trick is to increase our soul’s awareness of them. One good way to become more aware of them is to tune into the spiritual world, by tuning out the physical one. If you turn off the sources of noise, and spend time quietly looking and listening for things going on the spiritual world, you will be surprised at how accessible the spirit world really is. [An excerpt from my soon to be published book Seeing in the Spirit Made Simple]
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 14:34:18 +0000

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