( The Spectator News ) The President accused surveillance - TopicsExpress


( The Spectator News ) The President accused surveillance officials of falsifying numbers at times, saying that Ebola money is blood money and whoever thinks that they would become rich over the calamities of others in this crisis will be making a terrible mistake. The President is reported to have made the statement at the Kingtom Bank Complex in Freetown last week, pointing out that there were some people who also had the same disposition during the war by desiring a prolongation of the programme because they were benefiting from it, whilst he stated in the last State Opening of Parliament that the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) would pursue those who are involved in corruptly making funds meant to fight Ebola. President Ernest Bai Koroma had from the onset relied on people he had trust or recommended by senior party stalwarts to run his administration in a way that should be appreciated by the electorate. Some had lived to his expectation but many have betrayed his confidence by embroiling in issues that could discredit his administration. Despite the Government and its development partners have proved their determination to end the Ebola outbreak in the country, there are unscrupulous Government officials trying to prolong the programme because they are benefiting from the funds entrusted in them for the Ebola fight. Some have even used the outbreak as an opportunity to enrich themselves by soliciting funds from foreign donors and fattening their overseas accounts much to the disappointment of Government and the vulnerable people who are the real victims of the Ebola outbreak. The Government’s preparedness to fight the Ebola outbreak could be only tested by the President’s political resolve to take the appropriate measures against those who are involved in corrupt practices to enrich themselves to the detriment of the real victims. The allegations of six thousand ghost workers on the voucher of health workers remunerated by the National Ebola Response Centre (NERC), the delayed payment of health workers, the rapacious expending of funds entrusted to Members of Parliament to take the leadership role in sensitizing and educating their constituents on the Ebola outbreak, and the latest controversy swirling over the former Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs as regards the alleged siphoning of Italian donor funds should be thoroughly investigated by Government to convince the public that the President is actually serious about eliminating the epidemic from the country. It is not only a matter of defaulters doing terrible mistake by eating Ebola money as blood money, but it is a matter of Government taking stringent measures against those eating the Ebola blood money if there is sincerity in our concerted efforts to defeat the menace. What has come out distinctly in the Ebola fight is that - as pointed out by the President - there are crooked Government officials enriching themselves with funds meant for the Ebola fight. These are the unfaithful servants that do not care for the prosperity of this country but themselves. These officials need to be thought a serious lesson to convince the public that, INDEED, President Ernest Bai Koroma does not have sacred cows in his Government. The President should be taking robust action against alleged corrupt officials in the Ebola fight especially when most of the support to contain the deadly epidemic is coming from the international community, but it seems that the President is merely talking and not working the talk. If the President truly believes that some unscrupulous officials are prolonging the Ebola fight to enrich themselves with the ‘blood money”, them it is about time for he acted in a way that the public would have more confidence in his leadership. He should ask them to account for their stewardship and that is the right thing for any responsible President to do to win the confidence of the public. The President stated at the last State Opening of Parliament that the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) would pursue those who are involved in corruptly making funds meant for the Ebola fight. His statement would only be taken seriously if he could march his words with action. And Sierra Leoneans are looking forward to seeing just that; otherwise, he too would be accused of aiding and abetting the corrupt Government officials.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 21:28:57 +0000

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