The State Continued To Defend Direct Provision System Before the - TopicsExpress


The State Continued To Defend Direct Provision System Before the High Court Yesterday. Nasc welcomed the announcement today by the new Minster of State for Equality and New Communities Aodhán Ó Riordáin O Riordan to reform our current Direct Provision System and our broader Protection system. However, Nasc has learned, that whilst the Minister was announcing the long awaited reforms, Counsel for the State was stoutly defending the Direct Provision System in its entirety before the High Court today in the ongoing case of C.A and T.A. (a minor) v Minister for Justice and Equality, Minister for Social Protection, the Attorney General and Ireland. The applicants in this case are challenging the system of Direct Provision on a number of grounds, including the fact that the system is a violation of rights under the Irish Constitution, the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Charter of Fundamental Rights. Nasc CEO Fiona Finn commented “the states steadfast defence of the system in the High Court today, a day, when the Minister for state was publicly condemning the system as inhumane and one in which children grow up in “poverty [are] marginalised and stigmatised”, would appear at best disingenuous and at worst deliberately deceptive. We are now deeply concerned that on the one hand the State has publicly committed to reform and has admitted the failures in the system, whilst on the other defending the system as adequate and in compliance with our obligations before the High Court and International Human Rights Bodies”. Nasc questions if we can rely on the Ministers commitments in light of yesterdays proceedings in the High Court
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 10:28:14 +0000

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