The Story of God: - TopicsExpress


The Story of God: What I Believe I Can Prove to Reasonable People David McClellan, © July 4, 2013 Long before people began to write anything down, at least that there is any record of, someone realized that since people are justified in treating others the way others treat them it would be wise for people to start treating other people the way they’d want those other people to treat them and hope that it would catch on so that people could live together in peace and safety. It was a very good idea if only everyone would do that. However, it had to be by individual choice to behave this way because if people were forced it would be a violation or denial of the truth of the philosophy. So, the first couple to do this realized that they’d need to teach their children to think this way and this philosophy of life would need to be passed on to their posterity forever or eternally. However, it probably wasn’t long before someone (Eve and Adam) began to focus themselves this selfish way of thinking was passed on to their children so that somewhere down the line one of them killed his brother out of a jealous rage. As a matter of fact, this focus on self was explained as the reason people began to wear clothes. Because of this terrible violation of what we’ve come to call the golden rule, the murderer, Cain supposedly was his name, was banished from the home of his parents so he went to another region where he found a wife and began to raise a family. As the ages passed, the names of the first people to develop the golden rule were lost and legends about them and of where people, as well as the rest of the cosmos came from, developed. It was like the legends that developed about Davy Crocket who was said to be able to do impossible things like grin a bear right out of a tree. Those first practitioners of the golden rule began to be thought of as the creators of the universe and referred to as Jehovah because no one knew their real names. Too, because they were agreed on the golden rule, they were thought of as one God. In the same way that all legends develop, all of the events in nature were attributed to them as a way of explaining how they happened and reasons for why they happened were invented too. For example, it was commonly believed that good people became rich because they were blessed by this invisible God who caused fathers and mothers to give riches to their obedient children. And, for the same reason, people who were poor must be disobedient children who didn’t deserve such blessings. A problem with this idea was that no one could explain why good people sometimes suffered and not so good people often prospered. Another big problem was that rich people self-righteously looked down on those with less unjustly assuming them to be worthless sinners. It was an impossible burden for poor people to bear. The only thing people could figure out was that God, as in the story of Job, must be letting a devil test people or that “he,” being so powerful, had programmed everything that happens from the moment “he” created everything so that humans were like puppets or maybe a clay pot whose creator could do whatever he wanted to do with them and they just needed to accept their fate and trust that it was as things should be, that in some mysterious way God was just in doing whatever does. In time, these theories became accepted fact or truth and were passed along from generation to generation and everything was explained on the basis of these theories or assumptions, at least in that region of the world where they were believed. People in other regions developed different ideas to answer their question about why things are the way they are and sometimes the answers were similar to those of others. Well, along came a man named Abraham who believed that the golden rule was the best way of life and that the world would be blessed if he … and in time Jesus, who developed the same spirit, was born and began to explain the golden rule, God, in a whole new way that people in his region had not considered before. It was a way, in fact the only way possible that would save them, or anyone else, from their theories and the awful results of their mistaken ideas about how best to live life. Do you love the truth enough to let go of your prejudices?
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 23:02:03 +0000

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