The Stranger: A couple of weeks ago, I was sitting in my car - TopicsExpress


The Stranger: A couple of weeks ago, I was sitting in my car finishing my lunch before venturing out to shop. I was people watching, minding my own business unawares, when someone approached my car, which they often do because of the magnetic signs slapped all over it. An older black gentlemen signaled that he wished to speak to me, so I rolled window, somewhat startled, and he wanted to know if I could spare a couple of bucks. My knee jerk reaction was to get rid of him, and I’m sure that expression was written all over my face. I didn’t do it intentionally, it just happened that way. He wasn’t dirty or ill kept, nothing fancy, pleasant looking, offensive in no way. My body language I’m sure said it all, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! As he walked away looking stricken, he turned and said, “what, do I disgust you?”! I didn’t know him, and how was asking for help disgusting to me. I thought about this incident for several weeks and found that MY behavior disgusted ME! I wish I had that moment in time BACK, given it more thought, hadn’t acted hastily, extended more empathy for someone in need. I know now as this plays out in my mind, that this could have been me, and what I wish I would have said to this gentleman is, “no, you don’t disgust me, I am disgusted with myself“, “what can I do to make your life BETTER“! I wish that I’d see him again to tell him that I’m sorry, and the lesson I learned that day, was a tough pill to swallow. I will never know if I could have made a difference, but more importantly, I’d feel a whole lot better if I tried!
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 05:24:49 +0000

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