The Supreme Court states that police can use lethal force if they - TopicsExpress


The Supreme Court states that police can use lethal force if they feel or have “reasonable belief” they are facing danger. But Police will and clearly have abused this power many times. And then twist the truth. Like they said in Training day Its not what you know… But what you can prove that counts…. And they are more than trained in the art of illusion when covering their own back. To give another human being the right to kill an unarmed man if he or she simply feels they are in danger is in its own right stupid when placed in the power of men who have hate in their hearts. Clearly perception is an individual trait, and is often prone to mistake. But they are not answerable to their mistakes. Because they are protected by the government. The same government who could care less about our lives. How are you in danger when youre the one with the gun and youre the one who actually is the threat to the unarmed man. The majority of white America back this right that police have to Kill.. Sorry I mean Execute an unarmed man simply because they feel to do so. Funnily enough when black and hispanic males are several times more likely than whites to be killed by the police….. So basically this law means that the deaths of black and hispanic men is in essence justified. Legal homicide…. You want to kill and not go to jail? Become a cop! That is a quote from the leader of the KKK. Yes, police apparently, happen to every once in a blue moon kill unarmed white men. But the fact remains police Kill a whole lot more ethnic minorities than they kill white men. The system has proven over and over again to be flawed. The fact that sentences for crimes are often not conveyed correctly towards white men, where as Black and Hispanic males get the worst end of the stick. Black and Hispanic males are 5 times more likely to receive the death penalty than white men who commit the same crimes. The majority of the Police in America are white men, so when the numbers of deaths of unarmed ethnic minorities comes to light….. You cant help but question the integrity and racial hatred of the biggest gang in the world. Reasonable force is not supposed to lead to death. But apparently White police officers over estimate Black and hispanic males ability to withstand pain and torture. Tamir Rice was a 12 year old child…. A CHILD!!!! An innocent CHILD, mistaken to be much older and automatically accused, judged and executed for a crime he did not commit. A 12 year old CHILD!!!!!! The sad thing is we all too often forget about these incidents. Theyre only relevant while the buzz is there, while the story is still hot. But this will happen again and again. Why are they allowed to commit unprovoked murder? Because we allow them to. New Black Panther Mentality…. If You Shoot Us…. Then We Shoot Back!
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 13:41:00 +0000

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