The Ten Commandments for a Husband 1. Never criticize your wife, - TopicsExpress


The Ten Commandments for a Husband 1. Never criticize your wife, no matter what. In an environment free of criticism, shell blossom emotionally, and shell do everything in her power to please you, so ultimately, you wont have anything to criticize. 2. Never make a negative remark about her parents or family. Call your inlaws once a week. If you develop a good relationship with them, your wife will forever hold you in high regard. 3. Never say no to your wife; if she asks for something that you cant afford, tell her youll get it for her as soon as you have the money. 4. Spend a minimum of 30 minutes a day listening to your wife - not talking, just listening. Show her that her life is important to you. If possible, you should set aside an hour a day for quality communication time together (sitting in front of the TV with beer and pretzels is not quality communication time!). 5. Make her first-priority in your life, above everyone else. 6. Agree on a mutually-acceptable third party (a clergyman you trust, etc.) to air your differences. 7. Never say a derogatory word about your wife to anyone. 8. If your wife is displeased with you, dont be angry; shes your mirror and shes reflecting you. Its also usually a sign that The Almighty is displeased with you. Rather than arguing with her, do some soul-searching, mend your fences, and youll see how things work out for the best. 9. Smile always, and try your best to speak softly to her always. Nothing makes a wife nervous like an angry husband. 10. The more you develop your emuna (complete faith in G-d) and your trust in G-d, the more youll develop inner strength. Wives love nothing more than a husband with inner strength that they can lean on. They hate when their husbands are emotional weaklings that lean on them. Emuna makes you strong. Rabbi Lazer Brody
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 02:16:46 +0000

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