The Truth Behind ISIL Sydney Anglicans by Philip - TopicsExpress


The Truth Behind ISIL Sydney Anglicans by Philip Jensen September 12, 2014 Mr Obamas statement this week he made two points clear, both of which are not really true. The first was that ISIL is not Islamic. And his evidence for this claim is that No religion condones the killing of innocents. And the vast majority of ISILs victims have been Muslim. Unfortunately it is not true that No religion condones the killing of innocents. History is replete with religious sacrifice of innocents and religious wars have all too often ignored the plight of the innocents. (Atheists need not feel smug about this as their guilt, especially in the twentieth century, is as great, if not greater. And none of us can feel smug while tens of thousands of innocents are being aborted annually.) That the majority of ISILs victims are Muslim does not exclude it from being a religiously motivated movement. For ISIL is part of the group within Islam whose motivation is religious - namely, the removal of apostasy. We should take our opponents self-identity seriously. They are waging war in the name of Islam and in accordance with their Islamic beliefs. They wish to create the Caliphate. Their commitment is more than a power grab for land - it is a religious zeal and if we ignore it, we will seriously underestimate more.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 00:52:45 +0000

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