The U.S. Lost the War Against Ebola in July of 2014: On July - TopicsExpress


The U.S. Lost the War Against Ebola in July of 2014: On July 30, 2014, “Patient Zero, Patrick Sawyer, had a layover in Ghana then changed planes in Togo and flew to an international travel hub of Lagos, located in Nigeria. Nigeria is also the site of an Ebola outbreak. “The dad-of-three died five days after arriving in the city”. His sister, with whom Sawyer had contact, died of Ebola. He should never have been allowed to board any plane. a desperate search is on to find the hundreds of passengers who flew on the same jets as Sawyer. A total of 59 passengers and crew are estimated to have come into contact with Sawyer and effort is being made to track each individual down. There is an inherent problem with this “track down”. Sawyer was traveling two “commuter airports”, in which the exposed population was connecting to other flights; at this point, the spread of the virus would quickly expand beyond any possibility of containment because in less than a half a day, nearly a half a million people would be potentially exposed. Within a matter of a couple of hours, Sawyer’s infected fellow travelers would each have made contact with 200 other passengers and crew. Hours later, these flights would land and these people would have gone home to the friends, families and coworkers across several continents”. This was when the world, and in particular, President Obama had a fighting chance to contain Ebola and all parties failed miserably! Nothing Is Being Done To Contain the Virus: An analysis published this past week noted that over 6,000 travelers fly from Nigeria to the U.S. every week, one of the countries hardest hit by the deadly Ebola outbreak which can claim the lives of 90% of infected people. Thousands more of these potentially Ebola-infected persons are being allowed to fly from Nigeria to the U.K., Canada, France, Germany, the United Arab Emirates and China, among other countries. And would you care to guess where travelers from the U.K., Canada, France, Germany, the United Arab Emirates and China frequently fly to? That answer would be the United States. With a 21 day incubation period, and no mandated screenings procedures for people traveling from infected countries, it’s really not a matter of if, but when the virus reaches the United States. This is a recipe for disaster. The most disturbing news comes from a trusted confidential military source -- the same who told of the attempted rescue of Ambassador Stevens that was thwarted by the Obama administration. This was a fact that did not surface in other venues for months. As a prelude, if there is one thing that could send military leaders over the edge and perhaps mutiny, this is it. There is a one-two punch coming as it relates to the unfolding Ebola crisis. First, the military has been told to take orders from the Department of Homeland Security with regard to establishing revised quarantine procedures. Part of these plans include putting local police under the jurisdictional command of the military in what we could call a de facto military draft for police officers. In other words, your local police chief and sheriff will taking orders from the Pentagon when it comes to the quarantining and detention of areas and people related to an Ebola outbreak. Perhaps this is the real reason behind Program 1033 which has effectively militarized the police. This development will effectively convert local law enforcement into a martial law operation unit. Further, this would constitute the means from which martial law can be brought in through the “back-door” and the military will be an unwitting accomplice. The police and military will not be enforcing martial law, they will be told they are protecting public safety. The second “punch” centers around the Ebola vaccine and the developments, as well as the future plans related to the roll-out of the vaccine could prove devastating to the people of this country. -- Dave Hodges thecommonsenseshow/2014/09/16/the-cdc-admits-the-usa-is-on-the-verge-of-a-major-ebola-outbreak/ #amnestyinternational #ebola #CDC
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 16:30:39 +0000

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