The UK is the best country in the world, its the most equal - TopicsExpress


The UK is the best country in the world, its the most equal country on earth, many think that the UK is unequal but of course they are delusional, just take the Queen for example she had to work in a coal mine when she was young, David Cameron is also another example of someone that luckily just made it, he went to a public school in the slums of manchester. Or even Boris Johnson, he was homeless for his whole childhood... So those people who are pessimistic saying that we dont have equality, of course we do, just look around you, not a single person lives with their parents and everyone has the opportunity to benefit themselves through education, a degree at university has and always been free of charge, the banks are on your side remember, they dont fund wars or ever try to rip off the public, they are our saviours. Not a single person is in debt paying off a mortgage until they wither away, many new houses are being built. The Politicians of course are on your side, just look at how much they love and care about your welfare, they would never see you out on the street... They would never kick the disabled off benefits to rot in the streets, nah they LOVE you just like gawd LOVES you, despite torturing you in hell, he will always love you... So many of these conspiracy theorists are just soo pessimistic, all the evidence they present to you is wrong, the government isnt conspiring against you, just look around I see no cameras, we dont have a police state and nor do the GCHQ collect massive amounts of data... Were not in massive amounts of debt, thats crazy talk, the Illuminati conspiracy theorist just made up those figures... Just another scare story, were going to recover from this depression in the next year, not that it affected us anyway... And plus even if youre too stupid to get a good job, working at Asda will really pay the bills, just look at their retirement plan and their amazing salaries, of course you can retire when youre 65 from stacking shelves.... And even the people are the greatest, they would never stitch you up or slate you behind your back, they never put anyone down or try to control you. These people are the best of friends, they get on so well and of course their is never an argument amongst the people, really great people, Ive never seen such good people. Just look at how much they help the community and how selfless they are, always doing things for others, they spend way too much time helping everyone else to even care about themselves... So yeah look on the bright side of life bro.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 18:27:46 +0000

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