The USA and Israel are not part of Gods Kingdom. The USA is - TopicsExpress


The USA and Israel are not part of Gods Kingdom. The USA is Mystery Babylon in the book of Revelation, chapters 17, and 18. The nation of Israel is not Gods Holy Nation and the people who call themselves Jews are not Gods Chosen People. Israel and all who follow Judaism are of the Synagogue of Satan, and they, as all other people, need Christ Jesus to be saved from eternal separation from Jesus and His Kingdom. Whoever hears the message of Jesus Christ and believes on Him is saved and they become one of Gods Chosen People, and those who do not, are not. I believe that God does not want His children to align themselves with the physical nation of Israel, or the USA, and He does not want His followers to kill or die for the USA or Israel or to believe that we must support the nation of Israel through wars and giving money to their government to kill more innocent people. So I look at the nation of Israel as a sign from God that Jesus is returning soon to set up His Kingdom and finally bring peace and make all things right. I know that no earthly government of group of men will ever solve all of the troubles in this world and I refuse to hope that anyone will. Only Jesus. My hope is in Christ Jesus alone. Would it be better for all the world and all people, if Christians and Jews did not believe that they must be in control of all governments, militaries, corporations, and religions, going around the world forcing themselves and their will on billions of innocent people, invading, conquering, bombing, oppressing, occupying, and stealing from all people of the world and forcing their will and their ways upon all people, as most Christians, and Jews, and Muslims have done throughout history? Would it be better if people who call themselves Christians actually read and followed and obeyed and taught the teachings of Jesus to love all people, and hurt no one, and forgive our enemies and treat all people the way we want to be treated? Would it be better if all Christians lived peacefully and humbly with all other people, instead if seeking power and wealth and control, which so many Christians do and have done, throughout history? The world would look much different if they did, and the true followers of Jesus would be leading others to Jesus through their loving and caring of all other people. The world is ruled by false Christians, who reject the simple teachings of Jesus. Gandhi read and learned from the teachings of Jesus, and saw the hypocrisy of Christians when he said: I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ. Most Christians believe that we must seek and use power and force and violence to subdue this world, and by doing this, we are somehow doing the work and the will of God. I look at the nation of Israel as a sign only, not as something that Jesus commands us to accept, but something that would happen before His return. Jesus will return soon to Earthly Jerusalem, and He will rule the world from His Place in the New Jerusalem. The real objective of following Jesus is to learn His Plan, His Will, and His Truth, going forward. There will be a uniting of Gods Chosen People; True followers of Christ Jesus, with Jesus. This is called the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Then Jesus returns to rule the world from Jerusalem, for the Millennium. Every nation and government throughout history, on this Earth, is under the authority and control of Satan, because God has allowed it, and this includes the USA and Israel, so the people in power in these two nations or governments, are under the authority of Satan, not Jesus, and true followers of Jesus must not give their allegiance to any Earthly nation or government, only Jesus and His Heavenly Kingdom, which we who belong to Jesus, are citizens of. Let all who truly know Jesus Christ, rejoice in His return, called the Blessed Hope. This world is decaying, physically, morally, spiritually, and it will not get better, it will only get worse, I will not put my hope in any earthly government or system, or any man or group of men. Only Jesus. My Faith, my Hope, and my Love, is in Christ Jesus alone. I look forward to the return of Jesus to make everything right and end all pain and suffering and all wars and poverty, and all of the evil that lives in mens hearts and minds that are the seeds of so much death and destruction in this world. I want to see Jesus so much because I know things in this world will not get better, only worse, and only Jesus can, and will, end all of mankinds pain and suffering. To all believers and followers of Jesus, let us unite in His Name, and be His Church and His ambassadors, and love all people and do good to all people, while still looking for His glorious appearing every day, called the Blessed Hope. Dont let the Pre-Trib-Post-Trib debate stop you from continuing to search the Word of God daily to allow Jesus to reveal His Plan and His Holy Spirit to you. Dont be divided by this issue. Jesus will teach you, and guide you, if you let Him and submit to His Will. The more you study His Word, the more He will teach you. And most importantly, to not deny Jesus or be ashamed of Him, or His Name, or His Truth, and to follow His Commands and Teachings to Love Jesus, and Love All People. Peace and Maranatha Here are the Teachings of Jesus Christ: The Sermon on the Mount biblegateway/passage/?search=Matthew%205,6,7&version=KJV The Golden Rule biblegateway/passage/?search=Matthew%207:12&version=NIV The Two Commandments biblegateway/passage/?search=Matthew+22%3A36-40&version=KJV Do to the Least of my Brothers biblegateway/passage/?search=Matthew+25%3A31-46&version=KJV Peace and Maranatha.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 15:40:05 +0000

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