The USA has turned a key that is not so good. Romans 1***This is - TopicsExpress


The USA has turned a key that is not so good. Romans 1***This is a sin against G-d directly***This is what feast(s) are all about it is time to go into our closet and seal our doors as the time of Passover...Moedim Genesis 19.2-3***Do You Hear the Sound of the Shofar...Teshuva we have been called to Repentance as individuals*church(s) Revelation 3***the seven church(s) and the USA the Inaugaration by Rabbi. We are now witnessing church(s) compremising the Word of G-d*what is Written***Have Rejected the Word*Moedim we are the road to Teshuvah which is 40 days beginning 8.5.13 to Yom Kippur...The L-rd wishes none to perish...I plead with those called by His Name to 2 Chronicles 7.14...Yom Kippur we go in and prayfully the Atonement (Leviticus 23). G-d will have compassion on whom He will have compassion on. These days will be as the days of Noah (Matthew 24.36-44)...this actually one of the sign before His second coming...are Like the 10 virgins with the oil...5 where prepared and 5 were not (Matthew 25.1-13)***which are you...The Flooding has already began and I am not speaking physical realm, I am speaking spiritual realm***There is a death that is worst than a physical death...It is a Spiritual death and this is when G-d removes His Presence...Hear the Sound of the Shofar...You are either on the Ark or off...and your door is either sealed or not...Have you removed the Leaven from your House or did you let it walk into your door...this is a carnal Leaven...of the flesh...Leviticus 20.13***Ezekiel 18 each will be held accountable for their own sin***HEAR THE SOUND OF THE SHOFAR...I truly believe we are in birthing pains and the labor will be hard.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 15:08:44 +0000

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