The Unit General Meeting/ Brainstorm Session Oct 16, 2014 The - TopicsExpress


The Unit General Meeting/ Brainstorm Session Oct 16, 2014 The Unit is a Dayton-based, volunteer-driven, community- focused fitness group. The Unit provides FREE bootcamp-style workouts to members of the community, in a loose exchange for participation at various community service events around the city. The Unit stands on 3 core principles: HARDWORK & DEDICATION - Bootcamp workouts require it! IMPROVING SELF, IMPROVING COMMUNITY - The Units vision, because it all starts with the individual! SUPPORTING AND REALIZING THE POTENTIAL IN EVERYONE - Help and encourage everyone! We ALL have talents and gifts! The Unit General Meeting 10/16/2014 Points of interest: 1. Explain levels of difficulty much better (low-impact, intermediate and advanced). Answer: explain that in comparison low-impact participants do 20 jumping jacks vs. intermediate doing 50, and advanced doing 100. 2. Show more love toward newcomers and beginners (A. “All are asked to do more activities when some one fail to attempt an exercise” not very motivational; there are guilty for not knowing, they are punished for doing things wrong. B. Some participants are not ready to do some exercises). Answer: make sure that newcomers start in the appropriate group, new members start from beginners or intermediates. Encouragement for traininers and all Unit members that have been to bootcamp before and support . 3. Some people are just too shy to volunteer and become a trainer. Answer: bring people out from the shy either by pulling them aside and motivating (“I would really like to see you perform a few exercises today”) or put them on the spot. 4. Beginners are not being supported by advanced trainers (the majority). Answer: let the trainers know that it is important to come back to beginners group and let them know that we support them. Assign more advanced trainers to help out with beginners. Mold trainers from the beginners group (beginners trainers). 5. The atmosphere has changed a lot due to the switching to lots of new trainers; has become less supportive. Answer: Recognize this is a volunteer organization, give trainers time to learn the role, the atmosphere will always evolve, therefore members should be told that they are in leadership roles as well, they need to support our leaders (if you are not a leader/trainer, you are supporting the trainer). Members need to create the atmosphere. In other words, tell them not to condemn the trainers for mistakes, but support them! 6. More explanation about the workouts and rules need to be addressed at the beginning because a lot of misunderstanding happens. Answer: We need to make sure that our members understand the following: A) trainers volunteer their time; B) trainers are human, and make mistakes, and we should support them; C) we are trying to raise the standards and we have sometimes more faith in you than yourself; D) lots of trainers are new, and they should be more flexible with that; E) take the difficulty level you should be taking; F) alternative exercises; G) counting and speaking out loud; H) organized, and structured workouts only, listen to trainers; I) experienced members help less experienced; J) want to complain – go home; K) want to give suggestion to trainers, pull them aside and talk to them; not in front everyone; L) fitness is great, but let us help one another and make a better community; M) build relationships – use your chance; N) support one another; O) the unit has affected dozen people in a physical, spiritual and metal ways. 7. Non experienced trainers need some assistance. Answer: Pair up experienced trainers with rookie trainers, and split responsibilities 8. Create a resource website that our Unit Family has. We have lots of talents; however, no one knows about it. Answer: Create a category for our members with the organizations they represent or work with and skills they can offer. (Name – link, next page – more information). Ask members to fill out sheets in person, or online. They can fill out on the website, the Unit facebook, or bring business cards. (Nicole) 9. Trainers need some support to keep the cohesion of the group in place. Answer: Trainers will pick individuals to assist them to keep the group organized and members supported. 10. Trainers need to meet regularly to discuss problems and solutions. Answers: Jamar, Rob and Max – will be assigning roles at the bootcamps. Also, trainers can meet before workouts and after workouts to discuss events. Finally, have a monthly meeting someplace outside of the bootcamp. Get their contact information. 11. Warm-up is supposed to be a warm-up not a workout. Answers: Warm-ups need to start slowly, and not make people tired already. Divide exercises. 12. Cooldown exercises are as vital as the rest of exercises. Answers: Research cool down exercises, and teach other trainers to perform them. 13. Trainers take a long time figuring out what to do, or they do not know what to do right of the bat. Answers: Create laminated cards (either only with names or also pictures) that we can handout to all the trainers, and let them know that they can modify these exercises. Create cards for each level of difficulty or one card for all levels. Also, create one for the warm-up and cooldown. Finally, create one for the announcement part at the beginning. But, do not make it overly structured, let it be organic. * We will start moving in inside starting from November 1st, to Fairview (Wednesdays and Fridays from 6pm to 7:30pm). Still trying to figure out place for Mondays. Jennifer Campbell will be leading the charge on our community service projects. If you are interesting in serving the community through this initiative please inbox Jennifer. The community service group will hold meetings once every other month. Maksym Gerasimov, Jamar Williams, and Robert Alexander will be leading the physical fitness initiative. These individuals will be assisting in scheduling, and educating new trainers about our core values and methods of leading bootcamp. Current trainers and individuals interested in becoming trainer will be encouraged to attend theses meetings. Trainers will meet once a month. Please in box Maksym Gerasimov for more details. Lamonte Hall Jr and Terry Perdue, will manage the projects between the community service team and fitness team. There are service opportunities within both teams. We will need assistance managing websites, and social media sites. We will need assistance marketing the group. We will have combined meetings once every two months. If you are interested in making a difference, please feel free to inbox our team. Hard work!!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 01:14:57 +0000

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