The United Nations (UN) recently ranked Nigeria fifth among - TopicsExpress


The United Nations (UN) recently ranked Nigeria fifth among countries globally, where open defecation is common.A recent report by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) shows that the number of people with access to improved sanitation facilities in Nigeria dropped from 31 per cent last year to 28 per cent of the population this year. By implication, about 122 million Nigerians presently do not have access to improved sanitation, while a staggering 39 million, about 23 per cent of the population, defecate in the open.The study further revealed that each person practicing open defecation spends almost 2.5 days a year finding a private location to defecate, leading to a loss of $243 million yearly in access time. When you come across content like this in the news,whats your true perception of how you view Nigeria in a time of advancements in technology,science,medicine etc.?Do you also consider the perceptions of the outside world concerning our realities?How in your candid opinion are we faring in a globalized world today?
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 08:30:47 +0000

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