The Valley of Giants 1 Samuel 17:1-10 For those who wont make - TopicsExpress


The Valley of Giants 1 Samuel 17:1-10 For those who wont make it to Bible study this Sunday morning at the New Hampshire Highland Games, heres what well be going over. One of the most recognizable stories in the Bible is that of David and Goliath. Im sure you know it by now: a young boy slays a super tall guy with a great sling of a rock, right? Well, kind of. David wasnt exactly a young boy and Goliath was more than just a tall guy. Part of what people, including me, have missed for years is the exact scene that is outlined in this passage and some of the challenges I believe God lays on us, and the application we can have today. We are facing a valley with a giant … or two, or three; what are you willing to do next? The story starts by lining out the scenery. From the scripture, it doesnt exactly describe the dark, tumultuous war zone found in 300, but are our own battles this way? We find this battle about to be waged in a valley between two mountains. Great for Hollywood? Probably not yet, but far more realistic to where you and I fight our personal battles. More on that in a second. It pits the Philistines versus the Israelites. Arch enemies. For years these nations have fought and today was no different. Here they stood atop opposing mountains preparing to battle in the valley between them. Now, Im no strategist, but Ive played a few war strategy video games, and one thing I do know is that a valley is a great place for war. Perched atop a mountain, my troops and I can see the approaching enemy who isnt usually stupid enough to scale a mountain to attack; I have the advantage of being above the enemy. With a valley in between, we can meet on common ground and have at it. Now, this is when I think Hollywood is missing out on an amazing story. Ready v. 4-7 again. 4 And there went out a champion out of the camp of the Philistines, named Goliath, of Gath, whose height was six cubits and a span. 5 And he had an helmet of brass upon his head, and he was armed with a coat of mail; and the weight of the coat was five thousand shekels of brass. 6 And he had greaves of brass upon his legs, and a target of brass between his shoulders. 7 And the staff of his spear was like a weavers beam; and his spears head weighed six hundred shekels of iron: and one bearing a shield went before him. I can see it now, the scene is laid out when the Israelites hear a low rumble from the opposing camp. Now, the Philistines are chanting something, with it building in volume and ferocity. The Israelites come to the precipice of the mountain and, looking at the Philistine camp, see the troops part as a monster of a man saunters out to the front. They begin cheering and howling as this giant, raising his spear and sword to the air, eyes demented and blood-thirsty, screams at the top of his lungs. The raucous noises echo in the valley as every Israelite man shakes in fear. With all the garbage thats brought to our theaters, its time this story was done. So Goliath walks out and challenges the Israelites, but unless your normal measuring system includes cubits and shekels, you have no idea how big this guy really is. Heres a quick conversion chart for you: Height: 6 cubits and a span = approximately 99 Armor: Helmet made of brass Coat of Mail 5,000 shekels = approximately 125 lbs. Brass Greaves on his legs = soccer shin guards made of brass Brass Chest Plate = heavy A Shield Barrier = clearly he struggled with his cardio, so the big guy needed some help Spear like Weavers Beam = varies in length, but usually 2.5 inches in diameter Spear Head 6,000 Shekels of Iron = 15 pounds One thing is clear, Goliath is a giant of a man. Yet, we often over look something else he is described as: champion. This isnt some big guy your football coach pushed off the bus first for intimidation, or the tall guy that would warm up with the basketball team only to find out he cant even shoot, this was the real deal. Goliath is a champion of the Philistine army, one of the most feared and ferocious of that day. This means no one in the army could beat Goliath, and he offers a challenge that is gigantic in nature. The Israelites can send out their best for Goliath to fight and if Goliath wins, the Israelites must surrender, but if the Israelite champion wins, then the Philistines surrender. You dont have to be a Bible scholar to realize this is far from a fair fight. And, not to ruin the ending for you, but no one will. The Israelites are terrified and want nothing with this giant. Day after day, Goliath will come out and mock them, mock God and laugh. And, eventually, the Philistines would overtake the Israelites if it wasnt for a man of God who boldly defeats him. This whole scene isnt much different than what we face today. We Christians are prepping for a battle it seems we wont win. You dont have to watch the news long, read much of the headlines or scan along your news feed without seeing the blatant disregard for morality and truth. Our schools are becoming a place to make a political expression instead of educational learning. Business owners are being forced to abandon morals and beliefs. Churches are being vandalized and attacked because they hold to Biblical teachings. It seems we wont, or cant, win. Much like the Israelites, we are facing giants, and theyre approaching in the valley. No longer content to stay on their mountaintop, these giants are moving into the valley and beginning to climb to fight us where we are. At our schools. In our homes. In our churches. God isnt asking us to be giants. Hes asking us to be ready. To realize they are approaching and that while we cannot defeat them on our own, we must be ready for Him to use us to defeat them. We know Who wins in the end. Are you willing to step into the valley of giants?
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 13:58:49 +0000

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