The Way Of Karmic Space - Dr. Engku Anuar In a finely tuned - TopicsExpress


The Way Of Karmic Space - Dr. Engku Anuar In a finely tuned karmic rebirth Dr. Engku Anuar, probably better known to others before I became acquainted with his travelog recently, has taken the soft-spoken man to a Phd. in Economics and Development Studies from Pittsburgh and then into syncretic and probably blasphemous admixture of scriptural spiritualism and modern neurosciences that made him into a holistic healer, social manager, psychological and family guide and corporate advancer after he had been personal assistant to two Prime Ministers, Hussein Onn and the despotic Dr. Mahathir. He then joined the manufacturing sector and finally became the head of the consulting division of Petronas. Retirement led him into his own “Ai-One Solution – the Magic of Being and the Secret of Permanent Change,” with his clinic in Shah Alam but is now operating from his large house – alidrusone.blogspot/ His gmail and phone numbers are given below. The stellar is hard to find in the transience of the Klang Valley. I was introduced by a nephew from Singapore who had the same inclination into the stardust divinity studying for his Masters in Linguistcs somewhere in Australia and like a distant Westerly, would come to me once in 10 years. Engku Anuar is 71. I am 72. The young nephew is 48 and Engku Anuar who had wished to meet me had told him not to talk about the political power struggle since he is obviously a gomen man while he had been told I am with Anwar Ibrahim – ‘lest we hurt his feelings.’ But soon he was on the phone talking to me about the retarding subject of contemporary Malaysian politics saying he can’t see how the People’s Tribunal will resolve the gloom of the power conflict. I told him it’s a historical breakthrough and each time we come to such a breakthrough we can hardly believe it would work like the People’s Power against Marcos in the Philippines led by Cardinal Jamie Sin and Mrs. Aquino. This is Malaysia’s first, the assassination of Sultan Mahmud Mangkat Dijulang in Johor Lama discounted because it was the act of one man. The same applied to Tok Janggut of Kelantan even if it is tempting to regard him and his small band of followers in Pasir Puteh, Kelantan, in 1910 (?) as a torch-bearer. It is probably right he was a torch-bearer of People’s Power. In all likelihood, the popular rebellion in Trengganu 1926-27 led by Abdul Rahman Limbong and spoiled by Tok Janggut of Kuala Brang who walked straight into enemy fire with his men may rest as the lost beginning of the Malaysian People’s Power now led by Ambiga, a resolute and capable leader the likes of whom Engku Anuar could have met in his visits to heaven....and called Sarasvati. The scholar listened in his cultivated quiet when I told him this act, the People’s Tribunal, will open the way to a resolution of the conflict. But he maintained his space. It will not, said he. We had to let the difference of views rest there. Truth is, I had written to say I expect the conflict to be tossed into new channels and will finally be resolved in 2022, about nine years away in the peak of geo-political stress and remaking of the region. When I had written to say in 2001 I expected the conflict to reach a higher stage of expression in 2013 Marina Mahathir wrote to say she believed I was talking about the End of The World prediction of the Mayans strewn in the web at that time. I had to write to say I know what I am predicting by the training I had in this type of journalism. We work it out into a painstaking hypothesis, a super-simple exercise compared to what’s in Paul Sagan’s Contact. With the computer it should become super easy if you have the know-how. Now we are there in 2013. Is Engku Anuar studied in this remark he made? Was he simply saying it as a lifetime officer of the gomen he served as “your humble servant” or is it a scholar’s deep insight into the workings of history? Or is it also intertwined with his readiness to enter into Theta and as he emits the low electrical waves that’s reservedly cooling and healing, he picks up these insights? I had said a long time ago (1998 ?) there could be violence of the kind no gomen can control and seeing Najib had chosen for his Gog and Magog his cousin Hishamuddin Hussein who authored the BERSIH 3.0 police wilderbeasts and for the new Home Minister the despotic Zahid Hamidi who had asked all dissidents (51.3 percent of voters) to get out of his country and who is known to have physically bashed a young man, it will be deemed predictable the dramatis personae would cause the temper to combust. I have now met a very special person, far beyond my own reaches, a scholar fromTrengganu and a scion of the wonderful Tok Ku Paloh who had given refuge to the Pahang warriors led by Tok Bahaman and caused me to scout around his village for days trying to get a story for BERNAMA in the 70s. This contemporary of mine is four generations down the space and time from Tok Ku Paloh, the Engku before his name being Syed in Trengganu where the first sultan had been Arab from the Bendahara family of Johor. The lineage is excellent. The bearing of the person is cultivated. He has been in the company of illustrious corporate personages and the humility in the man is polished by the family heritage. This is a man who would say to a complainant what Syeikh Kadir Jilani was reported to have remarked to a complainant against Muawiyah, the founder of the Ummayad Dynasty who had led a Friday prayer in Damasacus pissed drunk when he was the Caliph. Said the Saint of Saints, Abdul Kadir Jilani, to the complainant, all your services in your blessed life do not compare to the dust at the feet of Muawiya’s horse. Engku Anuar may well think of me like that since I am a serial complainant and him a loyal servant of the gomen I now pillory every chance I get. The good Engku Anuar took me to task for using curse words, a Tamil word I used for the first time in my writings. But orally I used a lot of that and in Hokkein too I am an expert. I am differently constituted from my father. He was saintly. Me, growing up as a writer and journalist, had preferred being with workers and in toddy shops where the grains of existential goodness is actually measured by the tonal derivations of curse words in Tamil, words that made the colours of the rainbow stratified as they are. For the world of this lifetime is to us, Samsara, a plebian karma, a tapestry in the world that engulfs more than half the living we call mankind. Existentialism is prismatic. The curses of the poor describes this. The pets in America, Europe, Japan and soon China as well, eat far better “food” than we could ever afford or identify. Hence, my friend, the blue in the seas will not wash away the karmic filth of this mankind that we now wish to make a little better led as it were by Sarasvati and her companion the Zen master, Samad Said. And mind you, in our world Gods and Goddesses are everywhere. What is scarce is food, clothings, medicine and shelter. Engku Anuar offers us free medicine and natural healing to whomsoever who cannot afford to pay him. It is a legacy of his illustrious lineage. You can contact him on his handphone – 012-9765376, or SMS 012-2981222 or Tel/Fax 03-55118741 I believe he had channelled his healing towards me at about 12.30 today. I felt the refreshing and cooling vibes of his healing vibrations in Theta. Call him for his Ai-One Solution or click here : alidrusone.blogspot/ In this man is the promise of solution.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 07:20:38 +0000

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