The Zambian Voice Press Statement Current Political Campaigns and - TopicsExpress


The Zambian Voice Press Statement Current Political Campaigns and Political Funding by Foreign Business Interests 7th December 2014 As an organisation that promotes good governance, Justice, Human Rights and quality of life for all Zambians, we are would like to engage with our people during this crucial time of Presidential elections. During this Presidential election we have seen an unprecedented number of people, aspiring for Presidency. This can be a sign of our growing democracy, fifty years after independence. However, most of these candidates that floated their names for Presidency did not seem to be aspiring to serve the Zambian people but the insensate desire for power. Because of this high appetite for power they subjected the citizens to such anxiety of political and economic strife. These politicians particularly in the ruling party Patriotic Front (PF) and Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) wrestled for power like treasures to benefit them personally. We would like caution political leaders not to personalize political parties like private entities because it is against democratic tenants. The sense of entitlement to the party should not be by affinity but collective to all members. Ascension to leadership should not be about individual anointment but consensual selection by members. What pride can a leader enjoy if his power is acquired by arm twisting? We urge all Zambians to be vigilant during this time of elections so that they don’t fall victim of political deceptions. The citizens should scrutinize all Presidential candidates in this elections and ask them to explain any clandestine activities or character on them. In this regard the media need to offer balanced coverage of all aspiring candidates while posing those tough questions on behalf of the citizens. Zambians should not just vote for a politician because he/she is surrounded by so many people who mostly are job seekers. Popularity of a person does not necessarily mean integrity, or political acumens and quality. Zambians need to look for a mature leader who will look at their interest and has a vision for Zambia. Politics is about benefits, but such benefits should not just be limited to the elected but also the electorates. It must also be borne in the minds of Zambians that we will soon have another election in less than two years, so those promising drastic policy change must be checked with the probability of time and global economic trends on how things happen. What we need is a caretaker to stabilize, correct and maintain policies so that we land in 2016 safely then chose a leader who will start afresh. But many politicians are overlooking this fact; instead they are doing everything possible to get power. As an organization we are concerned with abrupt cash gate that has opened up during this campaign. All of a sudden we are seeing huge spending to support political activities. Just when President Sata died, debate ensued about the PF convention. It was argued that PF has no money to hold the convention. However, the convention happened without any disclosure of where the money came from. Zambian Voice would like to ask the PF to review who funded their convention which ran for about five days? About seven thousand people attended that convention and many received money. There are a number of questions that we will be asking the leadership of PF and other parties as well to maintain transparency and security of our Nation. We are aware that politicians are mortgaging this Country to foreigners to attain power. We are extremely concerned about this and we promise to expose all political leaders getting monies from foreign powers because we believe nothing come for free. We need to maintain our independence but it would be folly for us to expect our leaders to be reign over our resources freely when they have indebted themselves heavily from foreign powers. We have received information linking the United Party for National Democracy (UPND) and the foreign mining company Anglo American. A story was even published by Africa Confidential on 17th November 2014 claiming that Hakainde Hichilema has been chosen by Anglo American and other foreign interests as their preferred candidate. The article said that Hakainde Hichelima met with these foreign interests and power brokers to seal the Presidency of Zambia. It is in the interests of the nation and Mr. Hichilema himself to address the following issues: Mr. Hichelima must disclose the true nature of his relationship with Anglo American and other South African business interests whom he has been meeting in the recent past. We have been informed that the UPND campaign is being funded by foreign powers and international companies. We want Mr. Hichelema to disclose these funders and what is being promised in return to these people and companies. It has also been revealed to us that the same group of South African commercial interests met with the UPND leader and Dr. Nevers Mumba in November here in Zambia at a named Lodge. The nation must be told what was discussed and what deals were made between them all. Other questions that Mr. Hichilema must answer now include: • What financial interests does Mr. Hichilema have in regard to Anglo American? • In the interests of transparency, Mr. Hichilema must publish his financial affairs and various shareholdings for the Zambian people to see so that he is not accused of defrauding Zambians if he is elected as President – will he do so? Further to the above issues, there are questions about Mr. Hichilema’s role in the sale of Zambian assets that were sold cheaply to foreign interests, who have resurfaced to sponsor some political leaders. Such companies include Lima Bank and Hotel InterContinental in Livingstone. It has been reviewed that actually Mr. Hichilema has shares in some of these companies he privatized. We demand that Mr. Hikainde shade more light on how he handled the privatization process of Roan Antelope Mining Corporation, Kagem Mine. It is also important for the Zambians to know how Mr. Hikainde will wriggle out of conflict of interest in some of these companies where is has shares and those that are supporting him like the Anglo American the giant conglomerate that has returned in Zambia? Mr. Hakainde should explain the issues raised above so that he does not cry foul when we start speculating publicly. It is common knowledge that at times we may elude the law but that does not make us credible especially if we want to ascend to the top most office of the Country. Mr. Hikainde (and all other candidates) as a person aspiring for public office has an obligation to explain the issues we have raised and explain how he even got his worth which he must declare. We also hope the PF, through Dr. Guy Scott, will tell us where they got the money to sponsor the convention as soon as possible. It would also be good for Edgar Lungu to disclose who is funding his campaigns before we start speculating publicly. Chilufya Tayali EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 10:13:38 +0000

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