The above 3 news articles tell it all… This is the mantra of - TopicsExpress


The above 3 news articles tell it all… This is the mantra of the gun control movement and the media of why they cannot protect society from the most violent of the mentally ill. But on the other hand they justify why the burden of gun control falls on the legal gun owner but in fact protects no one. The true predator with a gun is a mentally ill person or criminal. Don’t get me wrong I truly believe in some gun control, but let’s be honest who really the threat is and let’s pass some strong restrictions on the mentally ill owning guns. There is no stigma if a mentally ill person is seeking treatment. If you know you have an illness then don’t apply for a gun permit. Oh yes someone will write me that what I just stated doesn’t make sense, the mentally ill don’t know or feel they are ill. Well then I say, no stigma applies then in having a law that requires mental illness to be reported. If you can’t recognize you have an illness then where does the stigma come in? I believe it is just another excuse. All I ask is that we as a people state a conversation where everything is in the pot. But I can see where this is going just by these articles. Remember I have said that not all the mentally ill are Active shooters, but all active shooters are mental ill. Who are our politicians really protecting, the mentally ill or society?
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 03:04:22 +0000

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