The absolute COOLEST thing about creatives/artists is that we have - TopicsExpress


The absolute COOLEST thing about creatives/artists is that we have a genuine appreciation/love of one another and love to support each others talents. Trevor Grove has graced us with his talents over time and we are super fond of him. Hes an AMAZING artist that comes from an amazing family inclusive of talented siblings. The Grove Brothers are in early stages of delivering some super badass Breaking Bad action figures but are already experiencing unnecessary road blocks along the way. Toys R Us had Breaking Bad action figures on the shelves and labeled them appropriately for more mature audiences. Some whiney woman from Florida thinks they are inappropriate to have these collectible items in a toy store so started a Petition to have them pulled from shelves. So heres what we have to say about that: First, these being on shelves has ZERO affect on this ladies life or anyone elses for that matter. A kid toodling through Toys R Us, totally breezes past anything that they are not interested in so likely wouldnt even notice. Two, if a kid does pause and say Mommy, whose that? A simple oh just a guy from a TV show would be sufficient. Thirdly, and most importantly, if your kid is going to be influenced by a toy and you have a concern these toys are going to turn your kid into a drug dealer, then you need to be looking in a mirror and evaluating why, not pointing fingers. So, with that being said, if you find yourself in agreement that this is just plain silly, please sign this Petition.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 05:38:16 +0000

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