The allthesame myth came straight from tory HQ. BBC’s Tory - TopicsExpress


The allthesame myth came straight from tory HQ. BBC’s Tory correspondent Nick Robinson admitted live on air, that Cameron’s best chance of winning the next election is if people believe politicians are “all the same”. That is very clearly not the case. I think one major ploy has been to use propaganda based on an exclusively class-based identity politics aimed at the working class . It purposefully excludes other social groups and also sets them against each other, eg. working class unemployed attacking migrants - its really is divisive, anti-democratic, and quite deliberately flies in the face of labours equality and diversity principles. Thats the problem with identity politics: it tends to enhance a further sense of social segregation, and it isnt remotely inclusive. Of course it also enhances the myth of out of touch/ allthesame. Its a clever strategy, because it attacks Labours equality and inclusive principles - the very reason why the labour movement happened in the first place - and places restriction on who ought to be included. Think of that divisive strategy 1) in terms of equality. 2) in terms of appealing to the electorate 3) in terms of policy. Note how it imposes limits and is reductive. The Tories set this up in the media, UKIP have extended it further and the minority rival parties, including the Green Party have also utilised the same rhetoric tool. Yet we KNOW right wing parties have NO interest in the working class. And those amongst the working class that have Lynton Crosby, who has declared that his role is to destroy the Labour Party, rather than promote the Conservatives, based on any notion of merit, is all about such a targeted “divide and rule” strategy. This is a right wing tactic of cultivating and manipulating apostasy amongst support for the opposition. It’s a very evident ploy in the media, too, with articles about Labour screaming headlines that don’t match content, and the Sun and Telegraph blatantly lying about Labour’s policy intentions regularly. Propaganda isnt obvious, and thats how it works. We need to be mindful of this
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 08:02:17 +0000

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