The anointing is what makes the difference.Being able to perform - TopicsExpress


The anointing is what makes the difference.Being able to perform certain duties well w/o any impact means nothing.As we serve God fervently & consistently in the things that Hes called and Anointed us to do lives will be changed/impacted.Its more to just doing a work for God we hVe to have reasoning behind it.Our soul purpose in all that we do for God should only be about winning/saving souls and helping/changing lives.So many ppl hVe got caught up in everything but that.Theyve got caught up in the money,trying to be a celebrity making their name known/big,the woman/men and just entertaining.The focus has been tooken completely off of God its time we all get real and give the glory to who it ONLY belongs to which is God it all belongs to Him.Were nothing w/o Him and we cannot make it w/o Him our breath lies in His hands.Time out for self glory seekers its time to be God seekers & pleasers.Ppl will try harder too please others than they do God and its sad.Ppl pleasers aint nobody got time for that ppl dont hVe no heaven or hell to put anybody in.Time is getting short Jesus is soon to return.We need to get right with Him and stop faking we cant & aint fooling God.He sees all and He knows all man looks on the outward but God looks on the heart.He knows our hearts so how can we even think about fooling Him not possible.Ucan fool some of the ppl some of the time but God NONE of the time aint fooling nobody but ourselves bc He already know the business.#RealDeal #PlayingNogames #TheTruthWillSetUsFree
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 22:36:43 +0000

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