The answer to yesterdays pet dental health question - TopicsExpress


The answer to yesterdays pet dental health question is..... False! Most dry kibble foods do not prevent dental disease any better than canned foods. #PetDentalHealth Read this excerpt from VeterinaryPartner: Dental Diets There is a common misconception that simply feeding a kibbled diet will protect the teeth from dental disease. Consider what it would be like to attempt to replace brushing your own teeth with eating crunchy foods and it is easily see how ineffective this method would be. When it comes to pet foods, much of the kibble is swallowed whole and not chewed at all. Clearly, there must be more to a dental diet than simple kibbling and in fact there is. Dental diets on the market today use several techniques to help reduce plaque. The first is that the kibbles are large, which means the pet must chew them before swallowing them. These diets are high in fiber, which means the kibbles do not shatter when chewed but instead the tooth sinks into the kibble, allowing plaque to be essentially scrubbed away. The large kibbles may pose an acceptance problem for the pet leading the owner to use them as treats or mixed with other kibbles. The smaller the percentage of the diet these kibbles represent, the less benefit will be reaped. It is also important to realize that these diets are helpful only in cleaning the molars and premolars (i.e. the chewing teeth) and do not help the fangs or incisors. veterinarypartner/Content.plx?P=A&S=0&C=0&A=640
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 14:00:01 +0000

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